Argonne National Laboratory Educational Programs
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Postdoctoral Journal

Postdoctoral Research Symposium

Postdoctoral Research Symposium

Postdoctoral Research Symposium

Argonne's PSA Career Fair


Argonne's PSA


Postdoctoral Appointees - Mentoring Materials

Postdoctoral Appointees - Mentoring Materials

Commitment to Safety Innovation Program

Near Hit Meeting



Argonne's Postdoctoral Program offers the opportunity for appointees to perform research in a scientifically and technologically rich environment; present and publish research; contribute to the overall research efforts of the Laboratory; advance knowledge in the areas of basic and applied research; and strengthen our national scientific and technical capabilities. Your academic achievements and demonstrated research capabilities will undoubtedly contribute to the continuing scientific and technological success of the Laboratory. It is our intention that your tenure at Argonne be as productive and rewarding as possible.

A summary of the Postdoctoral Programs can be downloaded here.
Various Post Doc Pictures
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Named Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Applications are being accepted for the Named Fellowship Program : Read more.
Type of Postdoctoral Appointments
To learn about our programs, their requirements, and the application process, please visit the following link: Read more.
Postdoctoral Society of Argonne Postdoctoral Society of Argonne
The postdoc experience can be one of the most rewarding times in an academic or research career. Read more.
Postdoctoral Appointees - Mentoring Materials Postdoctoral Appointees - Mentoring Materials
A Procedural Guide to the Argonne National Laboratory Postdoctoral Mentoring Program! Read more.

All postdocs are eligible for a complete and comprehensive benefits plan, which includes holiday pay, sick leave, vacation, and an extensive range of health benefits (medical and dental coverage, basic life insurance up to $15,000, and dependent life insurance).

Appointment Duration
Initial appointments are for a period of one year. Initial appointments may be extended in increments of one year or less, to a normal maximum of three years for Division and Named postdoctoral appointments and to a maximum of two years for Director's postdoctoral appointments.

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