Contact Us: FAQ



Air Force Life

Do I have a say where I will be stationed?

During your time at Basic Military Training you will meet with a counselor who will provide you with an assignment preference worksheet. The sheet will have eight slots for overseas assignments and eight for assignments within the continental U.S. You will then be able to list up to eight bases (or geographical areas) in your order of preference. The needs of the Air Force come first, and there is no guarantee of assignment. However, your choices are taken into consideration. Whenever possible, we try to match an Air Force need with your assignment preferences.

We have over 64 bases in the continental U.S. and over 20 locations in other countries. You can look at the maps of the major installations in the U.S. and other countries at the following link: Map of Bases

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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Where are all the Air Force bases located?

We have over 64 bases in the continental U.S. and over 20 locations in other countries. You can look at the maps of the major installations in the U.S. and other countries at the following link: Map of Bases

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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If my friend and I join, will we go to Basic Training together?

The Air Force does have a limited "Buddy Program." Male and female buddy partners are not allowed to participate under the Buddy Program.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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Do married Air Force members stay together?

There are no guarantees that you will always be stationed at the same base together. The nature of Air Force mission is the reason. However, the Air Force has a specific program called the Join Spouse Program designed to make every possible effort to assign both spouses to the same base.
Read more about the Join Spouse program in this PDF document.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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Do married individuals receive housing allowance in Basic Training?

You are entitled to a housing allowance while you are in basic training if you are claiming any dependents, your first paycheck will contain your base pay as well as your housing allowance. If you are not claiming any dependents, your paycheck will only contain your base pay.

The military prorates your first paycheck. For example, if you receive your first paycheck 30 days after you arrive, you will receive the full rate of the monthly basic pay in that paycheck. If, however, you receive your first paycheck two weeks after arrival, it will contain half of your monthly base pay, and half of your monthly housing allowance for those with dependents. Taxes and other deductions such as deductions for non-issue items will be taken out.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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Can I play sports while serving in the Air Force?

Yes! There are various types of competitive sports available to Air Force members at various levels. We have intramural, base, national and world-class level sports programs. The following sports are available for competition at most bases: softball, flag football, basketball, volleyball, racquetball, horse shoes, ping pong, wally ball, soccer, golf, and much more.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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Is it standard to have a roommate in Air Force dorms?

Under normal circumstances when a single member is residing in his/her permanent dormitory he/she does in fact have his/her own room. In rare cases, such as dormitories being under renovation, there is the possibility of having a roommate.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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How do I find out where I will be stationed?

During Basic Military Training (BMT), you will complete an assignment preference worksheet listing up to eight stateside and/or eight overseas locations. You can list a location by base, state, region or country. You will be notified of your base of assignment around the time of graduation from technical training. Your listed preferences will be taken into consideration during the assignment process.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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