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AESDirect EDI Ultimate Consignee Validation Error Messages
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Ultimate Consignee

Field Name Error Message Description
Company Name Ultimate Consignee Party Name missing. If there is no name
Ultimate Consignee Party Name contains more than 30 characters. If its length is more than 30 (X12: Ultimate Consignee Party Name will be truncated of the length is more than 30)
Ultimate Consignee Party Name contains invalid character(s). If it doesn't contain SPECIAL chars
Ultimate Consignee Party Name contains leading spaces. If it starts with spaces
Ultimate Consignee Party Name ineligible. If name is one of the ineligible strings
Contact First Name Ultimate Consignee Contact First Name not allowed if To Be Sold en Route Indicator is Y. If consignee name is SOLD EN ROUTE and there is a first name
Ultimate Consignee Contact First Name contains more than 13 characters. If its length is more than 13 (X12: Ultimate Consignee Contact First Name will be truncated if the length is more than 13)
Ultimate Consignee Contact First Name contains invalid character(s) If it doesn't contain ALPHABETIC chars (X12 & AESTIR: All non ALPHABETIC chars will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee Contact First Name contains leading spaces. If it starts with spaces
Ultimate Consignee Contact First Name ineligible. If name is one of the ineligible strings
Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name required if Ultimate Consignee First Name is reported. If there is a first name and no last name
Contact Last Name Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name not allowed if To Be Sold en Route Indicator is Y. If consignee name is SOLD EN ROUTE and there is a last name
Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name contains more than 20 characters. If its length is more than 20 (X12: Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name will be truncated if the length is more than 20)
Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name contains invalid character(s). If it doesn't contain ALPHABETIC chars (X12 & AESTIR: All non ALPHABETIC chars will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name contains leading spaces. If it starts with spaces
Ultimate Consignee Contact Last Name ineligible. If name is one of the ineligible strings
Address Line 1 Ultimate Consignee Address Line 1 missing. If there is no address 1 and company name is SOLD EN ROUTE
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 1 contains more than 32 characters. If its length is more than 32 (X12: Ultimate Consignee Address Line 1 wil be truncated if the length is more than 32)
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 1 contains invalid character(s). If it doesn't contain SPECIAL chars (X12 & AESTIRE: All non SPECIAL chars will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 1 contains leading spaces. If it starts with spaces
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 1 ineligible. If address is one of the ineligible strings
Address Line 2 Ultimate Consignee Address Line 2 not allowed if To Be Sold en Route indicator is Y. If there is an address 1: If there is address 2 and company name is SOLD EN ROUTE
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 2 contains more than 32 characters. If there is an address 1: If iys length is more than 32 (X12: Ultimate Consignee Address Line 2 will be truncated if the length is more than 32)
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 2 contains invalid character(s). If there is an address 1: If it doesn’t contain SPECIAl chars (X12 & AESTIRE: All non SPECIAL chars will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 2 contains leading spaces. If there is an address 1: If it starts with spaces
Ultimate Consignee Address Line 2 ineligible. If there is an address 1: If address is one of the ineligible strings
Contact Phone Number Ultimate Consignee Contact Phone Number not allowed if To Be Sold en Route Indicator is Y. If company name is SOLD EN EOUTE and there is a phone number
Ultimate Consignee Contact Phone Number contains invalid character(s). If it doesn't contain NUMERIC chars (X12 & AESTIR: All non digits will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee Contact Phone Number must contain between 8 and 13 characters. It its length is not between 8 and 13 (X12 & AESTIR: Ultimate Consignee Contact Phone Number will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee Contact Phone Number ineligible. If phone is one of the ineligible strings
City Ultimate Consignee City missing. If there is no city
Ultimate Consignee City contains more than 25 characters. If its length is more than 25 (X12: Truncate if the length is more than 25)
Ultimate Consignee City contains invalid character(s). If it doesn’t contain ALPHABETIC chars (X12 & AESTIR: All non ALPHABETIC chars will be removed)
Ultimate Consignee City contains leading spaces. If it starts with spaces
Country Ultimate Consignee Country Code missing. If there is no country
Ultimate Consignee Country Code must contain 2 characters. If its length is not 2
Ultimate Consignee Country Code contains invalid character(s). If it doesn’t contain ALPHABETIC chars
Ultimate Consignee Country Code invalid. If it is not in the ISO country table
State Code Ultimate Consignee State Code required for Ultimate Consignee Country Code US. If country is US: If there is no state
Ultimate Consignee State Code must contain 2 characters. If country is US: If its length is not 2
Ultimate Consignee State Code contains invalid character(s). If country is US: If it doesn’t contain ALPHABETIC chars
Ultimate Consignee State Code invalid. If country is US: If it is not in the US state table
Ultimate Consignee State Code required for Ultimate Consignee Country Code MX. If country is MX: If there is no state
Ultimate Consignee State Code must contain 2 characters. If country is MX: If its length is not 2
Ultimate Consignee State Code contains invalid character(s). If country is MX: If it doesn’t contain ALPHABETIC chars
Ultimate Consignee State Code is invalid for Ultimate Consignee Country Code MX. If country is MX: If it is not in the MX state code
Ultimate Consignee State Code not allowed if Ultimate Consignee Country Code is not US or MX. If country is not US or MX and there is a state code
Postal Code Ultimate Consignee Postal Code required for Ultimate Consignee Country Code US. If country is US: If there is no postal code
Ultimate Consignee Postal Code contains leading or imbedded spaces. If country is US: If it contains spaces
Ultimate Consignee Postal Code must contain 5 or 9 characters. If country is US: If its length is not 5 and it is not 9
Ultimate Consignee Postal Code invalid. If country is US: If its length is 5 but it is not in the zip code table
Ultimate Consignee Postal Code invalid. If country is US: If its length is 9 and its first 5 digits is not in the zip code table
*X12: Ultimate Consignee Contact Information will be ignored if there is no Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, and Phone Number
*X12 & AESTIR: Ultimate Consignee State Code will be ignored if Forwarder Agent Country is not US or MX

U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Logo U.S. Department of Commerce

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