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State of the Air Force - 2010

Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley

Remarks at the Air Force Association Conference and Technology Exposition, National Harbor Center at Oxon Hill, Md., Sept. 13, 2010

Thank you Mr. Sutter for that kind introduction...and for your leadership as AFA's Chairman of the Board for the past two years. On behalf of the 680,000 Total Force Airmen and to all of the AFA leadership and members, thank you for hosting yet another wonderful conference. We appreciate your partnership in expressing the importance of air, space and cyber power to America's national security.

You have also given voice to the concerns of Airmen--active, Guard, Reserve and retired, on a wide range of issues--from pay and benefits, to health care, to ensuring our Airmen operate the world's most capable equipment. Year after year, you always manage to outdo yourselves at this conference and bring together an amazing set of speakers and experts to address the challenges facing our Air Force. For these and all of the other things you do, your Air Force thanks you.

To the very many distinguished guests and speakers here --thank you for attending and contributing to this year's Air Force Association Conference. To our uniformed and civilian leaders here today, thank you for your participation in this week's conference, and for your outstanding teamwork across our major commands and headquarters.

I am extremely fortunate to have two outstanding wingmen in General Schwartz and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James Roy. Now two years into our work together, General Schwartz remains an incredible and energetic leader, bringing years of command experience to every situation, and strengthening Air Force relationships with our Joint, interagency, industry and coalition partners at every turn. He lives our core values and represents us very well, indeed. Chief Roy, constantly in motion interacting with Airmen, always has the pulse of the enlisted force. Thank you for your leadership as well.

This morning I'll discuss the world we live in today and how we'll ensure our Air Force remains well-postured for what tomorrow brings--for it will come with challenges as always. First, however, let's take a moment to reflect on a year that was so full of accomplishments that I hesitate to begin listing, but please indulge me as I mention a few...

To say that it's been a busy year would be an understatement.

I would like to begin by noting one of this year's most important events in our headquarters: the arrival of Under Secretary Erin Conaton, following a very, very long vacancy in that office. Erin has quickly become a valued and respected player on our leadership team and is making a tremendous difference for our Air Force. Erin, welcome aboard.

First and foremost this year, we are fulfilling our assigned operational tasks in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom... currently at 45 RPA CAPs and on track to 50 by end FY11; we completed deployment of 30 MC-12s to the theater, met airlift and schedule requirements to accomplish the OIF drawdown and OEF surge, and Airmen across our Air Force continue to provide armed overwatch, special operations, aeromedical evacuation, training, and all the other tasks our joint and coalition partners rely on.

This was also the Year of the Air Force Family...a focused assessment of how we support Airmen and their families. This review highlighted a broad range of personnel programs already in place; but it also identified areas needing further attention. As a result, tangible improvements in Airman resiliency, spouse support, support to families with exceptional needs, school transitions for military kids and other programs are already taking effect.

We completed our Space Management Review, which aligned space acquisition functions back under SAF/AQ, and created a Space Board to support the Under Secretary, as our focal point in the headquarters, in the oversight and coordination of all aspects of the Air Force space enterprise.
We extended our streak of successful national security space launches to 71; and launched the initial AEHF (advanced extremely high frequency) and next generation GPS satellites, and the third Wideband Global Satellite.

Our MAJCOM and headquarters leadership team also executed several complex basing decisions...settling on beddown plans for MQ-9 mission control elements, the MC-12s at Beale (AFB, Calif.) ; F-35 training at Eglin (AFB, Fla.)  and Luke (AFB, Ariz.), and future initial operating locations for the F-35 at Hill (AFB, Utah) and Burlington (Air Guard Station, Vt.); and consolidated locations for the F-22 fleet.

We also recently completed Technology Horizons...a comprehensive review of trends in science and technology, conducted once each decade since our founding, that will shape our future Air Force research and development priorities.

Of course, there have been many, many other achievements; but from this brief list, let's step from the past year into the present and our immediate future. Last year we noted that our Air Force has reached an inflection point at which critical changes in the Strategic Environment, Resources, and Technology are combining to re-shape our future. These changes are pushing us to achieve higher levels of performance across our Air Force.

The strategic environment is now better defined following the Quadrennial Defense Review, Nuclear Posture Review, the National Space Policy and other reviews. But that does not make it any easier to address.

We still face significant challenges, such as the need to accommodate new requirements for missile defense, cyber, and greater situational awareness in space; the recapitalization of satellites; and modernizing our aging aircraft inventories by bringing on the F-35, trainers, bombers, and - especially - tankers.

Given this guidance and the strategic environment, our approach has been, and remains, to ensure we balance investments across our core functions, and focus on the combat and enabling capabilities necessary for joint and coalition warfighting at any point across the potential spectrum of conflict.

Concerning resources, guidance from Secretary Gates continues to recognize that defense spending is under increasing pressure as the nation struggles with economic recovery and record budget deficits. In response, the Chief's and my internal guidance to the Air Force has been as clear as we can make it:

  • Don't get over-extended with more programs and resource commitments than we can afford

  • Concentrate on the top few modernization programs essential to each Core Function, and provide sufficient funding to ensure success

  • Don't leave broken, underfunded programs and disconnects for the next budget cycle

  • Re-emphasize program stability, and don't break programs to fix other programs

  • Make the hard choices now

Recent SecDef guidance has put even more emphasis on improving internal efficiencies within the defense budget, in order to shrink and move resources from our supporting tail to warfighting tooth.

The emphasis on internal reform and reallocating resources from tail to tooth is not new to the Air Force. For several years, we have pushed ourselves to reduce and consolidate personnel, financial management, and other functional communities - to introduce new technology and ways of doing business that have allowed us to reallocate both dollars and manpower into growth areas like the ISR and RPA communities, or reinforce the critical nuclear enterprise and other areas in need.

We all know these changes have sometimes been painful: when the business systems or technologies do not deliver on time, or cost more than we initially programmed, or take us beyond our comfort zone and require us to reinvent how we do business.

But we all know that the introduction of new technology to substitute for manpower, while not a new theme, will need to continue. On the business side we need to deliver on enterprise systems that will further assist process, personnel, logistics and materiel efficiencies. For operations, it is clear we'll require more automated processing, exploitation and dissemination of information to support high volume sensor collections, and continue to press for more efficient and renewable energy solutions for both aircraft and our installations.

We also need to keep the pressure on improvements in acquisition. As we continue to strengthen our acquisition workforce, our on-going tasks are to be better negotiators, to know our internal business imperatives, to understand our contracts, to know our industrial base, and to respect that every dollar is an Air Force dollar, every dollar is a taxpayer dollar.

We will also sustain rapid acquisition capabilities that demonstrate how the system can work better, and we have more than a few examples where we already work with contractor partners to do this:

  • BIG SAFARI for example has long been an alternative acquisition source for certain high priority, rapid-reaction, urgent Combatant Commander needs. From programs like Rivet Joint to the MC-12s, BIG SAFARI's success has been attributed to integrated program strategies and an unmatched culture of responsiveness, developed and forged in the Cold War, which continues to evolve and adapt in our current operational environment.

  • Our Rapid Capabilities Office, established in 2003, is carrying forward a legacy of streamlined acquisition approaches used in the development of the F-117 and other classified efforts of the past, now adapted to 21st century technology and organizational constructs.

  • Finally, the Operationally Responsive Space office, established less than three years ago, is developing both satellite and launch capabilities specifically focused on rapid augmentation and reconstitution of space based capabilities in support of Combatant Commanders at the speed of need.

We also have continuing and powerful examples of Airmen in action. I've come across at least three in the past year:

  • At  (RAF Mildenhall, England's) 100th Maintenance Squadron, maintainers purchased commercially available, off-the-shelf 'cherry pickers' called work assist vehicles to use in place of the bulky B-4 stands typically used for aircraft inspections. These vehicles are less than half the cost of the B-4 and save an estimated 30-40 percent in time.

  • At Cannon (AFB, N.M.), the 27th Special Operations Wing is modifying MC-130W's with a Precision Strike Package, referred to as "Dragon Spear" bringing not only mobility, but integrated ISR, armed overwatch and close air support for SOF teams. The first aircraft delivered in 10 months, the fleet of 12 will be delivered by the end of next calendar year. The acquisition methodology yielded an 85 percent savings from the initial estimated costs.

  • At Whiteman (AFB, Mo.), communicators developed in-house an Adaptable Communications Suite for B-2s. With a sensible use of internal and external resources, the ACS is taking half the time to field at less than 20 percent the cost of the initial contractor estimate.

These are all examples of how we will continue to use technology, timely and efficient resourcing strategies - and our Airmen--to support the larger purpose of strengthening combat power to meet the changing demands of our security environment.

Going forward, we'll also look for ways to streamline our existing organizations and command structure. And, I ask you, who better to do the work of seeking greater efficiencies in our Air Force than our own Airmen and leadership team? Those fully vested, those who have devoted their professional careers, those who know our Air Force inside and out, and in some cases those who have literally given their lives to serve and build the world's finest Air Force. And to our industry partners in this work: we ask you to help yourselves, and to help us, to be more efficient -- so that we can buy more of what you make.

The technology, resource, and strategic dynamics in this environment make it imperative that we keep the pressure on ourselves, for we have yet more work to do in the immediate years ahead.

We must tend to the issues of weapon system sustainment and materiel readiness, where both requirements and costs have been growing. An end-to-end review is underway to find trade space within the requirements generation, depot maintenance, and supply chain processes that are impacting system availability and cost. Once again, effectiveness and efficiency must go forward hand in hand.

Long range strike is another priority, and the Air Force leadership is working with our DoD counterparts on the next steps to advance the family of systems - the weapons, platforms, ISR, electronic warfare, and communications that make up this critical national capability. We approach this issue with both confidence and caution.

We are confident that a modern long range strike platform not only has been, but should remain, a critical tool in the nation's arsenal. Developed early on for nuclear deterrence, the current inventory of bombers has been regularly used for conventional missions. Their ability to range the planet with operational flexibility -- from raids to campaigns, with adaptable payloads, have proven their value time and again.

But we are also cautious. Cautious not to repeat the painful experience of previous Air Force bomber programs: narrowly focused capabilities, high risk technologies, and high costs contributing to affordability problems, leading to program cancellations, or low inventories.

This time around, while recognizing the continued need for the nuclear mission, we're approaching LRS capabilities mainly from conventional perspectives, where they are most likely to be used. And we're focused on developing a higher confidence acquisition strategy with known technologies, a fleet size large enough that we can flexibly operate and sustain it over a 30-year life span, but not so large that we cannot afford it, and with unit cost as a key factor. And this time around, we also recognize the value of other, complimentary capabilities in the LRS family of systems and the need to prioritize and synchronize our investments.

We'll also seek opportunities to further strengthen the Total Force. The ability to fashion a powerful combination of Active, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve components has been one of our great strengths. We have undertaken a comprehensive review of our 142 Total Force Initiatives to establish the business case analyses, combining operational effectiveness and efficiency, which will help us further leverage the Total Force concept. In mission sets old and new, we'll continue to look for ways to employ Total Force Initiatives when they bring more capacity, more capability, and efficiency to our Air Force.

And finally, anticipating a successful source selection process this Fall, we hope and expect that by this time next year we will have underway, a new tanker program.

This morning we've discussed some of the past, present and future as we work to fight today's fights, prevent fights where able, and prepare for fights of the future. We've also touched on the demands and uncertainties of our current and future environment, and identified a few of the ways we'll accommodate this future. However, the very best hedge we have against the future remains our Airmen.

Our underlying strength is in the integrity, excellence, and selfless service that our Airmen bring to the fight daily. It's our Airmen who will translate their organizations, doctrine, training and equipment into combat power--in the air, in space, and in the cyber domain. At this event we recognize 12 of our most outstanding Airmen, and I hold them as evidence of this truth. For each of the 12 represented as our OAY here, there are nearly 35,000 Airmen for each of them around the globe providing combat power for America.

There is one Airman I'd like to mention this morning who epitomizes the qualities we see in this year's 12 Outstanding Airmen: Chief Master Sergeant Richard Etchberger. Chief Etchberger courageously gave his life 42 years ago on a remote Laotian mountain top referred to as Lima Site 85. The White House recently announced that the President will posthumously present Chief Etchberger the Medal of Honor on Sept. 21. We'll hear more of Chief Etchberger's story tonight and in the week ahead.

But it is certainly appropriate, as we gather again this year as an Air Force family, -- all of us together, Active, Guard, Reserves, civilians, industry partners, from the youngest cadets to oldest retired chiefs and generals - that we reflect on how far we have come; reflect on those -- Chief Etchberger among them --whose perseverance, devotion to duty and example helped to build our Air Force and brought us to this point; to reflect on what we ourselves are doing, individually and corporately, to make our Air Force even stronger; and on the work we have set before us to make it so. Will we honor the legacy of devotion and service that gave us the Air Force we have today? Will we continue to take up the work, and do the difficult things that will make us an even stronger Air Force?

I have every confidence that we will, because we know the work we do together makes a difference to Airmen. Posturing our Air Force for success in the fight, today and tomorrow, will require us to deal with the uncertainty and new challenges in the strategic environment, changing technologies, and fiscal austerity. And although a balanced approach to investments, the wise application of technologies, and our strengthened commitment to efficiency will serve as hedges against this future, we know where our true strength lies: in our awesome Airmen who deliver daily the global vigilance, reach, and power upon which our Joint and coalition partners depend.

Yes... We will be true to our legacy. We will keep the pressure on ourselves, and continue to build an Air Force that future Airmen will be proud to lead and serve, an Air Force ready to fly, fight and win in air, space, and cyberspace, whenever the nation calls.

Thanks again to AFA for this week's conference and program. And thanks to all of you for your personal and collective efforts over the past year, and for your continuing commitment to the important work ahead. It remains an honor to serve with you in the world's finest Air Force.


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