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Selected AHRQ-Funded Grants in Long-Term Care Research

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Fiscal Year 2001

In fiscal year 2001, support for long-term care health services research by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) topped $8.4 million.

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Examples of current AHRQ-funded projects include:

A Program of Collaborative Care for Alzheimer's Disease. Tests the efficacy of an integrated program managed by a geriatric nurse practitioner vs. usual care for older adults with Alzheimer's disease in a primary care setting.
Principal Investigator: Christopher Callahan, Indiana University.
Grant: HS10884.

Quality Factors in Nursing Home Choice. Develops and evaluates information strategies to help individuals, family members, and health care providers make value-based nursing home choices.
Principal Investigator: Joann Congdon, University of Colorado.
Grant: HS10926.

Comprehensive Outcomes of Frail Elders in the Community. Examines predictors of mortality, functional change, hospitalization, and quality of life in nursing home-eligible patients who live in the community in a PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) program site.
Principal Investigator: Kenneth Covinsky, University of California—San Francisco.
Grant: K02 HS00006.

Working Conditions and Adverse Events in Home Health Care. Examines the relationships that exist among key features of the organizational work place, the work force, and adverse patient events due to preventable errors in the home health care setting.
Principal Investigator: Penny Feldman, Visiting Nurse Service of New York.
Grant: HS11962.

Medicaid Payment and Risk Adjusted Nursing Home Quality. Using outcomes and staffing as measures, merges data from four powerful data sets to examine the effect of Medicaid reimbursement rates on nursing home quality in the context of certificate-of-need regulations and construction moratorium policies.
Principal Investigator: David Grabowski, University of Alabama.
Grant: HS11702.

Reducing Adverse Drug Events in the Nursing Home. Tests whether a computer-based clinical decision support system can lower the rate of actual and potential adverse drug events in two large nursing homes.
Principal Investigator: Jerry Gurwitz, University of Massachusetts.
Grant: HS10481.

Patient Safety in Home Care. Develops a multidisciplinary team to conduct research and educational programs on patient safety practices in home care settings, particularly care provided by nurses.
Principal Investigator: Christine Kovner, New York University.
Grant: HS11523.

Nursing Home Working Conditions and Quality of Care. Examines how working conditions of nursing home culture and environment, staff interaction, and staffing relate to nursing home performance.
Principal Investigator: Jill Scott, University of Colorado.
Grant: HS12028.

A Model for Use of the UI Guideline in U.S. Nursing Homes. Tests the effectiveness of a model of care using nurse practitioners in collaboration with other medical and nursing staff to translate AHRQ's urinary incontinence (UI) guideline to improve targeted areas of UI care in nursing homes.
Principal Investigator: Nancy Watson, University of Rochester.
Grant: HS11064.

Recent expert meetings* convened by AHRQ and agenda-setting conferences sponsored by AHRQ have addressed long-term care research priorities for persons of all ages, assessed the current status of data and measurement tools, and identified research and data gaps, as well as strategies to address them.

Additional information on long-term care research at AHRQ is available online.

*Spector W, Potter D, De La Mare J. Future Directions for Residential Long-Term Care Health Services Research. Expert Meeting Summary, October 14-15, 1999. AHRQ Publication No. 01-0007; and Spector W, Shaffer T, Hodlewsky R, et al. Future Directions for Community-Based Long-Term Care Health Services Research. Expert Meeting Summary, June 20-21, 2000. AHRQ Publication No. 02-0022. Both publications are available from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse, 1-800-358-9295.

AHRQ Publication No. 02-M032
Current as of June 2002


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care