Contact Us

SelectUSA is designed to help foreign and domestic businesses, as well as state economic development agencies, find the information they need to better understand the complete value proposition offered to firms located in the United States. SelectUSA can help with federal issues such as grants, permits and incentives. If your issue is with an individual state, we recommend you use our clickable map of the United States to find the individual states’ economic development agencies to help you with your concern.

If you'd like to be contacted by a member of the SelectUSA team, please fill out the form below. Please be as specific as possible so we can ensure the correct team member responds to your concern, but do not include any trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or information that you might consider privileged or confidential.

We can also be reached at 202-482-6800, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

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