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Congressman Jeff Duncan - Washington, DC

Congressman Jeff Duncan
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  • Government Official
    “I always give God the glory. I never question why things happen the way they do. I know God is in control of my life, and I also know, if nothing else, that I’m standing on the Rock.” Texas Longhorn QB Colt McCoy
  1. What is the appropriate U. S. response in Libya and Egypt?
  2. The Washington Post has confirmed with the White House that the US Ambassador to Libya has been killed by Islamist extremists who stormed the Embassy yesterday. I am still looking into this but wanted to alert you to the issue
  3. Today we remember those who fell on September 11th and those who continue to fight to protect our great country. This morning I joined my colleagues on the Capitol steps for the 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony. We Will Never Forget.
    Photo: Today we remember those who fell on September 11th and those who continue to fight to protect our great country. This morning I joined my colleagues on the Capitol steps for the 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony. We Will Never Forget.
  4. Where were you when the world stopped turning ...... on that September day?
    Photo: Where were you when the world stopped turning ...... on that September day?
  5. I returned to DC today after a great August recess where I had the opportunity to talk and visit with constituents in the district. The House is back in session starting this afternoon. If you’d like to see this week’s floor schedule, you can check it out here:
  6. Looking forward to joining Jim DeMint, Tim Scott, Trey Gowdy, and Rep. Mick Mulvaney at this event on Friday. Please help spread the word!
    Photo: Looking forward to joining Jim DeMint, Tim Scott, Trey Gowdy, and Rep. Mick Mulvaney at this event on Friday. Please help spread the word!
  7. Working to get my bill dealing with the Iranian threat in the Western Hemisphere (our neighborhood), HR 3783, to the floor for a vote. Here's hoping the Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, will see the wisdom in addressing this important issue!
  8. On my way to see the Tigers play in Death Valley! Go Tigers!!
  9. Had a great time at the Westminster Apple Festival Rotary luncheon. Now to check out the rest of the festival! Come say hello!
  10. From my friend Erick Erickson: "The DNC began with a Jimmy Carter video and ended with a Jimmy Carter jobs report." Today's jobs report showed that over 368,000 people gave up looking for work this month. Those families need our prayers, and they deserve a new strategy for getting our economy back on track.
  11. Had a great day in Pickens and Oconee counties. Looking forward to spending today in Edgefield and Saluda! Any recommendations on places to visit?
  12. Our country's national debt just reached $16,000,000,000,000.00. I hope the President orders our flags be lowered to half mast and leads the nation in a moment of silence. This is a national tragedy.
  13. Spending the day in Oconee and Pickens meeting with constituents about a range of issues. I'm confident that if more elected officials spent time listening to people's concerns, that our country would be in a much better situation today. Hope to see you around town!
  14. I can't believe it, but the Clemson Tigers WIN! Whoo Hoo!
  15. Thank you to photographer Larry Gleason for September's cover photo!
    Photo: Thank you to photographer Larry Gleason for September's cover photo!
  16. As Americans prepare to honor the economic contributions of workers this Labor Day, they are faced with yet another year of disappointing labor data, courtesy of the failed economic policies of the Obama Administration. The chart below illustrates one example of the “Obama Recovery.”
    Photo: As Americans prepare to honor the economic contributions of workers this Labor Day, they are faced with yet another year of disappointing labor data, courtesy of the failed economic policies of the Obama Administration. The chart below illustrates one example of the “Obama Recovery.”
  17. Praying for those impacted by Hurricane Issac.
  18. I had the honor of meeting two Olympic Medalists, James Todd Graves & Kim Rhode, while supporting the 2nd amendment today at an event sponsored by the Congressional Sportsman’s Foundation charity. Graves is a four-time US Olympian who won a...
    bronze medal in the 2000 Olympics in skeet shooting and Rhode is a five-time Olympic medal winner in double trap and skeet shooting, including a gold medal in skeet shooting in this year’s summer Olympics.
    See More
    Photo: I had the honor of meeting two Olympic Medalists, James Todd Graves & Kim Rhode, while supporting the 2nd amendment today at an event sponsored by the Congressional Sportsman’s Foundation charity. Graves is a four-time US Olympian who won a bronze medal in the 2000 Olympics in skeet shooting and Rhode is a five-time Olympic medal winner in double trap and skeet shooting, including a gold medal in skeet shooting in this year’s summer Olympics.
  19. 'Like' if you agree with President Reagan on tax reform.
    Photo: 'Like' if you agree with President Reagan on tax reform.
  20. Recent data shows that President Obama’s policies have hurt the middle class. It’s time for a different approach to get our economy back on track.
    Photo: Recent data shows that President Obama’s policies have hurt the middle class. It’s time for a different approach to get our economy back on track.
  21. One of my proudest moments since being elected to Congress was having the opportunity to meet Neil Armstrong. I will never forget shaking the hand of the first man to walk on the moon. He accomplished something that no man had ever done before and he did it with such grace and humility. His family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers today as we mourn the loss of an American hero.
    Photo: One of my proudest moments since being elected to Congress was having the opportunity to meet Neil Armstrong. I will never forget shaking the hand of the first man to walk on the moon. He accomplished something that no man had ever done before and he did it with such grace and humility. His family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers today as we mourn the loss of an American hero.
  22. Approximately 852,000 discouraged people dropped out of the labor force last month. Expanding American energy production would create thousands of jobs for those who are unemployed, and get us on track for achieving American energy independence.
  23. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.

    Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead,Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

    America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

    ~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

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