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Washington, Oct 5 - Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the Founder and Co-Chair of the House Congressional Children’s Caucus and a Senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee, has been named a Champion for Children for the 112th Congress by First Focus Campaign for Children (FFCC). 
The First Focus Campaign for Children is a national bipartisan children’s advocacy organization based in Washington, DC.  As part of their campaign, FFCC recognizes Members of Congress who demonstrate extraordinary initiative by sponsoring legislation and hearings and garnering the support of their colleagues to improve the health, educational outcomes, and well-being of children. 

Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated, “Our children are the future of America and it is our job as Americans to improve the health and well-being of every child. I strongly believe that our children should be the number one priority in federal policy and budget decisions. The influence that we have in our children is great and I refuse to wait until it is too late. As long as I am a Member of Congress, it is my goal to work with my colleagues and constituents to create the future our children deserve. I will continue to introduce and co-sponsor legislation that put our children in the forefront, so that they are enriched, empowered and educated citizens. I am thankful to be named a Champion for Children; more importantly, I endeavor for our children to be Champions.”

Fifteen Senators and thirty-five Representatives received the honor.  Mr. Bruce Lesley, the president of the Campaign for Children, said, “Lots of politicians talk about kids’ issues, but few back it up. Champions delivered for kids.”

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