Student Loan Rates Extended for One Year
Posted by on June 29, 2012
On Friday, the House passed H.R. 4348*, which included an extension of the current 3.4 percent loan rate on need-based student loans through July 1, 2013. Under current law, the rate would have doubled to 6.8 percent on July 1, 2012. Young Americans have the highest unemployment rate of any other group. Two-thirds of the Class of 2010 graduated with student loan debt which averages about $25,000.  Congressman Scott is committed to ensuring that young people can start a career and pay their obligations without worrying about a large spike in their interest rates.

For more information about saving for college and reducing the need for student loans, please read an earlier blog post about cost-cutting strategies: http://davidscott.house.gov/Blog/?postid=281817.  What have you experienced as a recent graduate or as a parent of a recent graduate?  Share your comments below.

*Even though H.R. 4348 is primarily a transportation bill, it was amended to include the text of Interest Rate Reduction Act (H.R. 4628).
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • http://thedebtsreliefreviews.com Torrance commented on 7/4/2012
    There is a reason it is very easy for a younger person to get into debt quickly. Younger consumers are often given the worst interest rates and offers. They are also given top reward schemes because credit card consumers feel younger generations will be more apt to use the credit without regard to the consequences when there is a reward. There are more reasons than just this though. Younger generations have yet to establish a thorough borrowing history. It means that with little borrower history there is more risk in the eyes of the bank, so the interest rate will be higher with a lower credit limit.
  • Patricia Hill Marietta commented on 7/26/2012
    I would like to thank Congressman Scott for participating and voting yes to extending the 3.4% loan rate. College tuition and fees as well as books and other essentials are very expensive and we students need a break to ease our expenditures.
  • Jim Morris Longmont commented on 7/31/2012
    My kids both have student loans and the doubling of the interest rates would have been very difficult for them. Thanks for pushing this. [URL=”http://bambooforlife.com”]Jim Morris[/URL]
  • Andrew Molter Torrance commented on 8/25/2012
    We have to take care of students so they will be able to compete in the international market. plbank.pl
  • Saja Dhaka commented on 9/14/2012
    Before I didn't know the respected congressman Devid Scott. I will visit again for knowing more info.
  • stock markets stock markets commented on 9/18/2012
    students should have the rights to ease the expenditure tuition and fees as well as books and other essentials are very expensive
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