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Register your server

To make your metadata service available for search by the portal, and other Z39.50-enabled clients, you must register it and its operation details with

The National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse and Geospatial One-Stop portal ( encourages the advertising of available digital geospatial metadata by:

  • managing a registry of metadata services that support FGDC attributes
  • developing advanced and simple search interfaces in the portal for map-based query
  • maintaining a 'health check' service to encourage maximum 'uptime' of services
To register your metadata server, do the following:

  1. Go to and register as a member (upper right of page), fill basic contact information.
  2. Login as a user and under the "My Tools" tab, click on "Become a Publisher" (left side bullets). Fill in your user profile. This will be associated with all metadata records you enter or provide to the portal. Save the publisher information
  3. Click on "Configure harvesting" (left side bullets), then "Register New Metadata Site" and fill in the service details needed to connect to your Z39.50. Be sure to set an appropriate harvest frequency -- how often the portal will check for new metadata!
Within a few days you should receive notice of diagnostic evaluation of your metadata and service so that you may tune the content and quality of the metadata for subsequent searches. Once harvested and validated, the metadata entries are available to

Last Updated: Jan 27, 2006 06:11 PM
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