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Loansome Doc Article Ordering Service - Epub Ahead of Print

Question: What does [epub ahead of print] on a citation mean?


These are citations that publishers submit to PubMed for articles that appear on the publisher's web site in advance of the journal release. Citations listed in PubMed as [epub ahead of print] may not be available to your library until the print version of the journal is published. Many publishers limit online access to "ahead of print" articles to individual subscribers; charging others for obtaining the "ahead of print" article, sometimes also including libraries with paid subscriptions.

If a "Free" link to the full-text article is provided, you should follow the link to obtain the article.

If a publisher provided link takes you to a fee-based service, you can decide whether to purchase the article directly from the publisher. You may want to discuss the availability of the article with your ordering library.

Related Questions:
How do I know if a free full text article is available when I am in Loansome Doc?
How can I find the contact information for my ordering library?

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