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Loansome Doc Article Ordering Service -- Formats Available for Delivery

Question: What are the different methods of Loansome Doc delivery?


Delivery Methods vary among libraries. Be sure to contact your Ordering Library to review the delivery methods they have available.

  • Fax: Document sent via fax to number listed in patron's Loansome Doc profile.
  • Mail: Document mailed to postal address indicated on request.
  • Pick up: Document held for patron pick up at location specified by library. Please check with ordering library for holding period and pick up location.
  • Email (TIFF): Document sent as an email attachment. The multipage TIFF (Tagged Image Format File) requires a TIFF viewer. See FAQ on viewing articles.
    Note: File size for TIFF images tend to be large.
  • Email (PDF): Document sent as an email attachment. PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format that preserves the formatting of the original document. PDF documents can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe.
  • Web (TIFF): Patron will receive an email message containing a hyperlink to the requested document. Documents can be viewed and printed from the referenced hyperlink. The multipage TIFF (Tagged Image Format File) requires a TIFF viewer. See FAQ on viewing articles.
    Note: Recommended for users who have a slow connection or size limitations on their email system.
  • Web (PDF): Patron will receive an email message containing a hyperlink to the requested document. PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format that preserves the formatting of the original document. PDF documents can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe.
    Note: Web (PDF) is recommended for users who have a slow connection or size limitations on their email system.

Related Questions:
How can I find the contact information for my ordering library?
How do I cancel a Loansome Doc order?
How much does it cost to order articles using Loansome Doc?

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