Future of U.S. Strategic Engagement in the Pacific

Kurt M. Campbell
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Washington, DC
September 11, 2012


ASSISTANT SECRETARY CAMPBELL:  We think in the current environment, we want cooler heads to prevail, frankly, that we have enormous stakes in the maintenance of peace and stability. That if you look at slow-down in Europe and still emerging economic situation in the United States, this is the cockpit of the global economy, and the stakes could not be bigger, and I think the desire is to have all leaders to keep that squarely in mind.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY CAMPBELL:  At the heart of this though is really very elaborate and extensive interactions between United States and China, to build upon our existing dialogues and discussions with our allies like Japan and South Korea. And we're committed to those and we want to build those. In the hope is that the next administration and thereafter will accept this, a sort of down payment on future engagement.

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