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Chemical elements and element groups
Chemical elements (44 items)
Chemical element groups (6 items)

Results 1 - 10 of 44 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF Carbonatite and alkaline intrusion-related rare earth element deposits--A deposit model [More info]
Describes where and how mineral deposits of this type are found, including chemical and mineralogical characteristics, as well as unsolved scientific questions surrounding their origin.
PDF Rare earth elements--End use and recyclability [More info]
Rare earth element use is changing with technology. This report explains how we use them and the prospects for recycling these important commodities.
PDF The future of rare earth elements--will these high-tech industry elements continue in short supply? [More info]
Presentation describing uses of rare earth elements, why they are important, where they occur and are produced, and aspects of the economics of production and consumption with emphasis on sites that might be developed for production.
PDF The principal rare earth elements deposits of the United States-A summary of domestic deposits and a global perspective [More info]
Explains the geologic setting in which these deposits are found, with information about production and the processes used to extract these valuable mineral resources.
PDF Application of the SPARROW watershed model to describe nutrient sources and transport in the Missouri River Basin [More info]
Maps and diagrams showing how the mathematical model predicts the distribution of various pollutants within a large watershed.
Arsenic in ground water of the United States [More info]
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in rocks, soils, and the waters in contact with them. It is found in ground water as the result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. This site links to data, maps, and more.
PDF Beryllium--important for national defense [More info]
How this element is used, where we get it, and prospects for worldwide supply and demand.
PDF Biochar for soil fertility and natural carbon sequestration [More info]
Explains what biochar is and how it is formed, its potential use in both fertilizer and carbon sequestration, and some of the research questions remaining to be addressed before we can utilize it fully in practical ways.
PDF Breccia-pipe uranium mining in northern Arizona; estimate of resources and assessment of historical effects [More info]
Estimates of uranium resources affected by land withdrawal, effects of previous breccia-pipe mining, water-chemistry data for streams and springs, and potential biological pathways of exposure to uranium and associated contaminants.
PDF Characterizing contaminant concentrations with depth by using the USGS well profiler in Oklahoma, 2003-9 [More info]
Use of specialized sampling equipment to study public water supply wells, with examples showing Arsenic in two aquifers.
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