Joint Declaration: U.S.-Mexico High Level Consultative Commission on Telecommunications

June 24, 2004


Sixth Meeting of the United States - Mexico High Level Consultative Commission on Telecommunications
Washington, DC, June 23-24, 2004

The delegation of the United States headed by Ambassador David Gross, United States Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy, U.S. Department of State, accompanied by Mr. Michael Powell, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission and Mr. Michael D. Gallagher, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator, and the delegation of Mexico headed by Mr. Jorge Alvarez Hoth, Under Secretary of Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, accompanied by Mr. Jorge Arredondo Martinez, Chairman of the Federal Telecommunications Commission, having met in the city of Washington, DC, on June 23 and 24, 2004 to hold the Sixth Meeting of the United States-Mexico High Level Consultative Commission on Telecommunications (HLCC); declare that:

We recognize that the exchange of views and perspectives regarding topics of common interest on broadcasting and telecommunications are necessary for the support and mutual advancement of the peoples on both sides of the border;

We also recognize that, along the common border, we need to coordinate sharing of the radio frequency spectrum in an equitable way in order to ensure the efficient development and the adequate functioning of diverse radiocommunication systems that operate on both sides of the common border;

We reaffirm our desire to coordinate our work in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and, when in the interests of both Parties, to present joint positions in the ITU Meeting of Council and in the Conferences and Assemblies of the ITU sectors. Similarly, we reaffirm our desire to collaborate on the preparatory work of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL) for the meetings of the ITU. We reaffirm that we will push for the adoption of appropriate community connectivity indicators in support of ITU member countries in appropriate forums;

Taking into account the analysis of the following topics:

Satellites - Coordination of the Fixed Satellite Service networks in the positions 109.2°W, 113°W, 114.9°W and 116.8°W, and the coordination of the networks of the Broadcast Satellite Service at 77°W;
Broadcasting - Coexistence of TV Channel 6 and FM broadcast stations; low power television stations (LPTV) and terrestrial digital audio broadcasting;
Spectrum policy - New allocation of the 700 MHz frequency band; and
Technological development - Broadband infrastructure and competition;

We acknowledge the efforts that were jointly made in finding solutions to the broadcasting coordination and interference matters, and both Administrations confirm their commitment to the terms and conditions contained in existing broadcasting agreements. In addition, we are interested in jointly exploring the updating of existing broadcasting agreements, for the purpose of responding to operational needs and technological advances.
We proclaim our desire and common commitment to continue the dialog under the HLCC in order to promote cooperation, coordination and solution of problems that may arise in the operation of broadcasting and telecommunication services along the common border.

We adopt the following documents:

The Directory of Bilateral Issues 2004-2006, which consists of the following sections: satellites, broadcasting, radiocommunication, international affairs and other telecommunications matters. The Directory contains the topics of common interest that will be analyzed by the staff of the Bilateral Working Group, which will report advances and completions annually to the HLCC; and the
Action Plan for the Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Use of Radio Frequencies in Case of Emergencies, which MOU was signed and entered into force in December 1998. The Action Plan describes the tasking each government will carry out in case of emergencies in order to eliminate harmful interference to the emergency frequencies protected under the MOU. Under the Action Plan, both governments expressed their intention to continue coordinating the compatible use of frequencies and to continue providing interference protection stipulated in the MOU.

We further adopt the general principle that the HLCC should meet once per year, and in case that a face-to-face meeting cannot be held, that a video conference will be arranged as a timely alternative;
We instruct the staff of the Bilateral Working Group in charge of administering the matters of the bilateral agenda to hold at least one meeting per year to review the full bilateral agenda, on dates that they find mutually acceptable. Bilateral Task Groups, such as the one on broadcasting issues, may meet without addressing the full bilateral agenda as often as necessary on mutually acceptable dates. The Bilateral Working Group is to inform the HLCC annually of advances in its work;

We agree to present a report on activities regarding the work of the HLCC to the United States - Mexico Binational Commission that will meet at the end of this year; and

Finally we agree that in order to follow-up with our agenda and to expeditiously deal with any difficult situations that may arise, and in the spirit of strengthening bilateral relations, we hold the Seventh Meeting of the HLCC in Mexico during 2005.

Signed in Washington, DC, the 24th day of June 2004.

Mr. Jorge Alvarez Hoth
Under Secretary of Communications
Ministry of Communications and Transportation of Mexico 
 Ambassador David A. Gross 
United States Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy
United States Department of State
Mr. Jorge Arredondo Martinez
Chairman of the Federal Telecommunications Commission 
 Ms. Kathleen Q. Abernathy 
Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
  Mr. Michael D. Gallagher
Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and NTIA Administrator 
National Telecommunications and Information Administration

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