Reply Letter from Mexico's Ministry of Communications and Transportation Confirming the Second Amendment to the Protocol for the 380-399.9 MHz Band

July 3, 2008


[United Mexican States]
Secretariat of Communications and Transportation

Under Secretary of Communications
Bureau of Telecommunications Policy
2.- 89/08
Mexico City, July 3, 2008

Ms. Meredith Attwell Baker
Acting Assistant Secretary for
Communications and Information
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration of the
Department of Commerce

Dear Ms. Baker:

In reply to your letter dated July 3, 2008, and in accordance with Articles IV and V of the “Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the United Mexican States Concerning the Allotment and Use of Frequency Bands for Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Radiocommunication Services Along the Common Border,” signed at Williamsburg, Virginia on June 16, 1994 (herein referred to as the "Agreement"), the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, in its capacity as the designated "Administration" for the Mexican Government under Article II (1) of the “Protocol Between the Department of State of the United States of America and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Fixed And Mobile Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Services Along the Common Border” signed at Mexico City on July 27, 2005 (herein referred to as the “2005 Protocol”), and amended for the first time through an exchange of letters dated July 17, 2006, accepts the exact text of your proposed amendment to the 2005 Protocol to extend the period of use of the frequency bands provided for under Article IV (3.b) with the intention of ending use on or before January 1, 2011, as stipulated. This second amendment is the result of negotiations carried out within the Bilateral Working Level of the United States-Mexico High Level Consultative Commission on Telecommunications (HLCC).

Therefore, in keeping with the request in the second paragraph of your letter, I am pleased to confirm that your letter and this response constitute an agreement between the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States to amend as previously indicated the 2005 Protocol, which will take effect as of this date.

[Complimentary close]



Dr. Rafael Noel del Villar Alrich
Under Secretary

Cc: Dr. Luis Téllez Kuenzler, Secretary of Communications and Transportation
Amb. Patricia Espinosa Castellano, Secretary of Foreign Affairs

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