Charter of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy

February 25, 2009



The Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy (hereinafter called the "Committee") serves the United States Government in a solely advisory capacity concerning major issues and problems in international economic policy, including performance of the following functions:

(a) To provide information and advice on the effective integration of economic interests into overall foreign policy;

(b) To appraise the role and limits of international economic institutions; and

(c) To provide information and advice on the Department of State's role in advancing American commercial interests in a competitive global economy.

The Committee will provide advice and assistance in the formulation of U.S. policy, positions, proposals and strategies for multilateral and bilateral negotiations, particularly where the State Department has the lead negotiating authority.

The objective of the Committee is to bring to the United States Government a source of expertise, knowledge and insight not available within the Department or elsewhere in the government on these issues.

It is anticipated that there will be a continuing need for the advice offered by this Committee. The Department will periodically review this need.


The Committee is established under the general authority of the Secretary of State and the Department of State as set forth in Title 22 of the United States Code, in particular Section 2656 of that Title and consistent with Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C., Appendix). The Under Secretary for Management's approval of this charter constitutes a determination by the Secretary of State that the establishment and operation of the Committee are in the public’s interest in connection with performance of duties of the Department of State.


The Committee will consult with other interested parties, agencies and interagency committees and groups of the United States Government, and with private groups and individuals as the Department of State and the Committee decide are necessary or desirable.


(a) The size of the Committee shall not be fixed, except that total membership will not exceed 60 members.

(b) The membership of the Committee will consist of representatives of American organizations and institutions having an interest in international economic policy, and may include: representatives of American business with significant international trade interests; representatives of American labor unions, public interest groups, and/or trade and professional associations, whose membership stands to be affected by international economic policy; legal or business consultants well-versed in such economic and trade aspects of foreign affairs; and academics representative of the various scholarly approaches to international economic policy.

(c) The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs (the Assistant Secretary) shall invite the members to serve for a period of two years or less. Vacancies may be filled as they occur.

(d) The Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs shall supply all staff and support functions for the Committee.

(e) The officers of the Committee shall consist of a Chair, two Vice Chairs, an Executive Secretary and such other positions as the Assistant Secretary shall determine, and the Assistant Secretary shall appoint these individuals at such times and for such periods as he or she shall determine, except that the Executive Secretary shall be that person designated in Article V hereof. The Executive Secretary shall be the Designated Federal Officer.

(f) The Assistant Secretary may establish appropriate subcommittees or working groups to carry out assigned responsibilities. The Committee shall provide such guidance and direction as is necessary and appropriate to ensure the effective functioning of such subcommittees or working groups as established. Any subcommittees must report back to the Committee, and shall not provide advice or work products directly to the Department of State.


A. The Committee's officers will have the following responsibilities:

1. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Committee. The Chair will participate in the development of the Committee's program.

2. One of the Vice Chairs shall act as Chair in the absence of the Chair.

3. The Executive Secretary, who shall be the Assistant Secretary's designee, shall approve and attend all meetings and shall advise the Chair to adjourn, or shall himself/herself adjourn any meeting when in the public interest. The Executive Secretary will prepare and approve the agenda, and shall insure that the minutes of each meeting are prepared, the accuracy of which the Chair shall certify, and which shall at a minimum contain: a record of the membership present; members of the public who participate in the meeting and the interest and affiliations they represent; a description of matters and material discussed and the conclusions, if any, reached, and the rationale for any recommendations made by members of the Committee. The Executive Secretary will also maintain copies of all reports the Committee receives, issues or approves.

B. It is anticipated that the Committee will meet at least once a year and at such other times and places as are required to fulfill the objectives of the Committee. Subcommittees and working groups will meet as appropriate for their assigned responsibilities.

C. The Committee shall report to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs or as the Assistant Secretary may direct depending on the subject matter of the report. Such reports may be oral or written.

D. The records of the committee and any subcommittees shall be handled in accordance with General Records Schedule 26, Item 2, and shall include, for example, all papers and documents pertinent to the Committee's establishment and activities, including its Charter, agendas, determinations for closing Committee meetings to the public, proceedings, the membership list of the Committee, all written communications between the Department and the Committee, and all written materials and reports considered by the Committee. These records shall be available for public inspection and copying, subject to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552.


All funding necessary for the organization and operation of the Committee shall be supplied from funds available to the Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs. Projected FTE are as follows: 0.20 for the Executive Secretary, and 0.20 for another staff officer. Projected annual costs of operation are:

Federal Staff     $49,571.00
Other                    2,000.00
Total                  $51,571.00

The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation.


In accordance with P.L. 92-463, Section 14(a) (1), the Committee will terminate two years from the date of filing this Charter, unless it is formally determined to be in the public interest to continue it for another two years.


A. Meetings of the Committee shall be announced in the Federal Register at least fifteen days prior to convening a meeting, setting forth, at a minimum, the hour, date, and place of the meeting and the agenda of items to be discussed.

B. Members of the general public who wish to attend a meeting will be admitted to the limits of the capacity of the meeting room, unless it is formally determined that the meeting, or any part thereof, be closed to the public.

C. When it is formally determined, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552b(c), that the meeting be closed to the public, the press release and the notice in the Federal Register announcing the meeting will so state and shall provide the reason for the meeting to be closed, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552b(c).


Now, thereby, this Charter shall be considered approved by the Department of State as of this date and shall be considered filed as of the date when copies have been provided to the appropriate standing committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives having legislative jurisdiction over the Department of State and to the Library of Congress pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

Patrick F. Kennedy
Under Secretary of
State for Management

DATE: February 25, 2009

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