Intelligence Division


The Intelligence Division is responsible for providing all-source intelligence products to the Secretary of Transportation and his/her principal staff as well as the Department of Transportation (DOT) Operating Administrators ensuring they are apprised of current developments and long range trends in international terrorism; global and international topics concerning aviation, trade, transportation markets, trade agreements and related topics in international cooperation and facilitation.  In addition to providing intelligence support to the Secretary and principal staff, and the Operating Administrators, the Intelligence Division supports a number of other DOT consumers of intelligence. 

Partner Agencies

National Intelligence and law enforcement agencies.


OST, Operating Administrations

Major Projects

  • Briefings: Provide scheduled and ad hoc briefings to the Secretary, and other senior Department of Transportation officials.
  • Intelligence Community Coordination: Collaborate and   coordinate with U.S. government Intelligence Community (IC) through meetings and community outreach.
  • Exercise Preparation and Participation:  Provide intelligence support and analysis in performance of the Department’s participation in major exercises.
  • Incident Response:  Performs analytical and coordination functions with the IC and law enforcement community required by the incident at hand, or as tasked by the Secretary and other Department principals.
  • Work Groups, Committees, and Task Forces: Represents DOT on a wide range of Working Groups, Committees, and Task Forces dealing with intelligence and security issues.
Updated: Wednesday, March 28, 2012