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Framework Introduction and Guide

The guide is primarily for practitioners in public sector agencies at all levels of government that produce, use or enable the use of digital geospatial data. The guide explains the framework concept, outlines the benefits of participating in the framework, shows tangible progress in advancing the framework initiative, and describes the practices and the consensus of opinion on each element of the framework.

Framework Handbook Cover

This is a digital version of the Framework Introduction and Guide. To order a hard copy of the guide, please send email containing your name, organizational affiliation, and postal address to

Part 1: Introduction and Reference

Chapter 1 Overview
What the framework approach involves.
Chapter 2 Benefits
Why the framework is important and why you should participate.
Chapter 3 Components
What the framework's data, technology, operational, and business elements are, and how they work.
Chapter 4 Organization
How framework participants work together.

Part 2: Implementation Guide

Chapter 5 Getting Started
What you can do now to participate in the framework.
Chapter 6 Ongoing Development
What the community is doing to implement the framework.

Part 3: Resource Materials

Appendix A Terminology
Appendix B Literature
Appendix C Contacts
Appendix D Related Technical Information and Programs
Appendix E Federal Geographic Data Committee
Appendix F Framework Workshop Participants
Appendix G Related Documents
Appendix H Framework Projects
Appendix I Framework Introduction and Guide Reviewers
Last Updated: Feb 02, 2012 01:54 PM
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