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Busy, busy, busy today ... no time for tweeting oh my!!
Goodnight..... my doggy says it's time to stop tweeting and go to bed!!
@WalkingwithHIM I've never gotten that message. Wonder how it works?
@littlebella The Pet Teek Pet Carrier looks interesting - ever tried it personally?
@KimWood A Tweetup? That sounds fun! Maybe I should do that
@SuzieQJones Yep, gotta luv the Fresh Prince!
@littlebella Nice ... Mickey needs a new coat, maybe I can find him something. He doesn't like hoods or sleeves
@taxgirl I love a good comedy, especially romantic comedies (I adore Hugh Grant) ... curious about the new Will Smith movie though - 7 lbs..
How about Will Smith's new movie 7 Pounds - anyone caught a sneak peek? Looks interesting??
@littlebella You should stop by my site and woof around there ... it would make me happy :)
@Green4Health Hadn't thought of that! I got my dining room table that way ... here I go! Thanks!!
@DoingCostaRica I see ... it's all so clear now :)~
My TV is possessed. Cuts off every few seconds or minutes. Someone be a dear and send me your old TV when Santa brings you a flat screen!!
@FloridaFuture I just learned about her today too - a client sent a Christmas poster w/ around the world Christmas facts. I like Santa more!
@DoingCostaRica Thanks for the follow! Bet the weather in Costa Rica is a little bit better than here in Nashville, TN at the moment!
@FitBizWoman I'm hoping she'll do it again!
@sumaya I am now. Thanks!!


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