Answers on Aging

What is the Family Caregiver Support Program?
The Iowa Family Caregiver Program is made possible with funding from The National Family Caregiver Support Program, created in 2000 through an amendment to the Older Americans Act.

Each of Iowa’s 13 Area Agencies on Aging offers assistance through the Iowa Family Caregiver Support Program to put caregivers in touch with essential services to help in their caregiving role and to meet the needs of the older family member/friend or those individuals with Alzheimer's and disabilities. Each agency has Family Caregiver Specialists, experienced and knowledgeable in the field of aging and caregiving, who listen to your request or concern and explain sources of help based on individual circumstances.

In summary the Iowa Family Caregiver Program offers caregiving for older Iowans 60+:

  • To provide information to family caregivers about available services;
  • To provide assistance to family caregivers in gaining access to services;
  • To lead family caregivers to individual counseling, support groups or caregiver training;
  • To lead family caregivers to respite care to enable them to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities; and
  • To provide supplemental services on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by family caregivers.

Please call us at 1-866-468-7887 OR send a request for information by e-mail through this Web site OR use our map of Iowa to reach the caregiver support specialist at your local area agency on aging.

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Contact your local Area Agency on Aging in finding caregiver assistance and services.  See the Search for Services above.

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