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Office of The Assistant General Counsel
for Finance and Litigation:
Contract Law Division


Lawyer's View Articles

A Lawyers's View is a periodic publication by the attorneys in the Contract Law Division which discuss matters of interest to Department procurement officials. All files are in an Adobe Acrobat format.

The Lawyer's View publications on this page in Adobe Acrobat format. A free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader is available.

TITLE Date Author
 Contract Bundling  06/06/2002  Diane M. Canzano
 Informalities and Irregularities  01/22/2001  Terry Hart Lee
 Source Selection Documentation  01/17/2001  Mark Langstein
 Green Contracting  08/08/2000  Amy Kiger Crotts
 Performance Based Service Contracting  03/24/2000  Fred Kopatich & Diane Canzano
 Superior Knowledge  03/23/2000  Terry H. Lee & Amy Freeman Pierce
 Commercial Items  01/28/2000  Edward Weber
 COTS Software Licenses,  07/15/1999  Lisa J. Obayashi
 Year 2000, Y2K,  02/04/1999  Catherine Shea
 Federal Supply Schedule Contracts,  09/11/1998  Steven Carrara
 A Stay in Bankruptcy  09/01/1998  Kenneth A. Lechter
 FAR Part 15 Rewrite,  12/31/1997  Amy Freeman
 Franchise Funds,  09/19/1997  Terry H. Lee
 The Sovereign Acts Doctrine  07/30/1997  Fred Kopatich
 Commercial Item Contracting  06/24/1997  Cecilia R. Jones
 FARA Design-Build  07/01/1996  F. Jefferson Hughes
 Procurement Integrity Changes  04/08/199/1997  Lisa J. Obayashi
 FARA  03/29/1996  Catherine A. Shea
 ITMRA  03/27/1996  Alice McKenna
 An Overview of FARA and ITMRA  03/18/1996  Jerry A. Walz
 The Pre-Award Survey - A Useful Tool  10/05/1995  Roxie Jamison Jones
 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements  06/23/1995  Lisa J. Obayashi
 The Federal Workforce Restructuring Act  06/02/1995  Kenneth A. Lechter
 FASA-Simplified Acquisition Procedures  05/26/1995  Cecilia Carson
 FASA-Inapplicable Laws  04/17/1995  Terry H. Lee
 FASA-Multiyear Procurements  04/04/1995  Lynn Patton
 FASA-Commercial Products  02/27/1995  F. Jefferson Hughes
 FASA-Micropurchases  02/15/1995  Steven Carrara
 FASA-Debriefings  01/27/1995  Lisa J. Obayashi
 FASA-Protests  01/13/1995  Fred Kopatich
 FASA-Disputes  12/22/1994  Kenneth A. Lechter
 FASA-Task Order Contracts  12/13/1994  Mark Langstein
 FASA-Solicitation, Evaluation and Award  11/22/1994  Roxie Jamison Jones
 FASA-An Overview  11/07/1994  Jerry A. Walz
 Past Performance  05/11/1993  Lynn Hawkins Patton
 Walsh-Healey  03/24/1993  F. Jefferson Hughes
 Procurement Fraud  02/03/1993  Fred Kopatich
 Performance Bond Sureties  12/20/1992  Cecilia Carson
 COTR's Role  11/20/1992  Kenneth A. Lechter
 Privilege and Discovery  10/20/1992  Lisa J.Obayashi
 Best Value  09/20/1992  Stacia D. LeBlanc
 Copyright  08/20/1992  Gloria Feinberg
 Buy American Act  07/20/1992  Steven Carrara
 Economy Act  06/20/1992  Mark Langstein
 Replacement Contracts  05/20/1992  Lesslie Viguerie
 GAO Bid Protests  03/27/1991  Jerry A. Walz
 Nonappropriated Fund Procurements  02/07/1991  Stacia LeBlanc & Steven Carrara
 Responsibility  05/15/1990  Bruce H. Segal
 Contracts with Nat'l Acad. of Science  09/15/1989  Stacia Davis LeBlanc
 Technical Leveling  08/30/1989  Bruce H. Segal
 Technical Transfusion  08/25/1989  Bruce H. Segal
 T/D Other Damages  06/09/1989  Edward Seymour
 Responsiveness  12/1988  Roxie Jamison Jones
 Product Availability  11/1988  Ed Seymour
 Reconsideration, Final Decision  08/1988  Eric Lipman
 Fixed Price w/Economic Price Adjustment  08/1988  Ed Seymour
 Disclosure of Factors  08/30/1988  Bruce H. Segal
 Discussions  11/1987  Victor Cohen
 Bankruptcy  10/1987  Victor Cohen



Office Contact:
Mark Langstein
202-482-1122 Voice

Administrative Contact Kim Taylor

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Statutes & Regulations:
arrow rightFederal Grant &   Cooperative   Agreements Act of   1977
arrow rightCommerce Acquisition   Regulation
arrow rightFederal Acquisition   Regulation
arrow rightContract Disputes Act
arrow rightOMB Circular A-76
arrow rightCompetition in   Contracting Act


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Links of Interest:
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Related Links:
arrow rightAcqNet
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arrow rightJ A G’s Legal Center &   School
arrow rightOffice of Federal   Procurement Policy
arrow rightSeven Steps Guide to   Performance-Base   Services Acquisition
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