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    Recidivism among Treated Sexual Offenders and a Matched Comparison of Untreated Sexual Offenders

    Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Apr. 04, 2012

    Library ID

    • 025723

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    • 2009
    • 93 pages

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    • Recidivism among Treated Sexual Offenders and a Matched Comparison of Untreated Sexual Offenders

    ANNOTATION: The recidivism rate of a group of treated sex offenders was compared to the rate of sexual offenders that did not receive treatment. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and the Rapid Risk Assessment of Sexual Offence Recidivism Scale were utilized in this study. Chapters of this thesis following an abstract include: introduction sexual offending, treatment, and recidivism; study design and methodology; results for examination of group differences, treatment effects on rates of new sexual, violent and general convictions, treatment effects on rates of new sexual, violent and general convictions for psychopathic offenders, effect of sex offender typology on recidivism; and the influence of previous convictions on the likelihood of recidivism; and discussion. Both groups exhibited low recidivism rates. “Based on a survival analysis using time to recidivism as the dependent variable, no differences were found between treated and untreated sexual offenders” (p. 1).

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