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Author(s): Adam, S.; Hwang, E.; Das Sarma, S.;
Title: Two-dimensional transport and screening in topological insulator surface states
Published: June 06, 2012
Abstract: We study the surface states of Bi2Se3 close to the topologically protected crossing point. Close to charge neutrality, local fluctuations in carrier density result in electron and hole puddles that dominate the electronic properties of these materials. By calculating the polarizability of the surface state using the random phase approximation, and determining the characteristics of puddles using the self-consistent approximation, we find band asymmetry plays a crucial role determining experimentally measured quantities including the conductivity and the puddle autocorrelation length.
Citation: Physical Review B
Volume: 85
Issue: 23
Pages: 5 pp.
Keywords: Topological insulators; conductivity
Research Areas: Electron Physics
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