
Operations (G-3) Mission


  • The CAC G3 is the primary tasking authority for CAC, and the Operations Branch provides oversight and day-to-day management of this function. In this capacity, it is responsible for the following:
  • Conduct staff action analysis, preparation, coordination, assignment, and tracking; coordinate and edit weekly CAC situation reports to CG, TRADOC; and maintain CAC Master Calendar.
  • Manage current operations including: recurring installation requirements, WIAS taskings, unforecasted and extraordinary events, and support to TRADOC ongoing operations.
  • Manage all administrative functions for the G3 section including: evaluation reports (OER, NCOER, Civilian), awards, additional duties, supply and budget functions, MEDPROS, etc.
  • Coordinate and prepare the CAC STS and TSR reports, and forward USR reports on behalf of TOE organizations.
  • Execute CAC International Programs to include support for U.S. Army Staff Talks, Agreed to Actions, and Military Personnel Exchange. Provides staff supervision and oversight of CAC student and subject matter expert exchanges.
  • Manage the CAC Visitor Program for senior U.S. and foreign dignitaries.
  • Plan, prepare, and execute the Brigadier General Training Conference (BGTC), other significant conferences, command level ceremonies, and significant events.
  • Coordinate and synchronize CAC Reserve Component (RD) issues including mobilization and reorganization as required.
  • Maintain and update as required TRADOC Regulation (TR) 10-5-4.


  • The Battle Command and Doctrine Branch is responsible for overseeing and coordinating CAC activities related to the core functions of Battle Command and Doctrine. This responsibility includes:

    • Provide staff oversight of all projects associated with battle command and doctrine, such as Personnel Recovery, Biometrics, Combat Identification, and Stability Operations; provide staff monitoring of designated exercises and experimentation projects such as Urban Resolve and Unified Quest ; and directly synchronize and coordinate MSO and staff actions in the above areas as required.
    • Provide staff oversight of all projects associated with force modernization, force integration; coordinate CAC support of the Future Combat System (FCS) program; directly synchronize and coordinate MSO and staff actions in the above areas as required.
    • Analyze and formulate CAC input to the Army Campaign Plan (ACP), Army Strategic Planning Guidance, and other Army-level planning and strategy documents; analyze and formulate CAC input to the TRADOC Campaign Plan (TCP); analyze and formulate CAC input to numerous TRADOC- and HQDA-level conferences and general officer (GO) steering committees; and provide inputs to the annual CAC command guidance.

    The Leader Development, Lessons Learned and Collective Training Branch is responsible for overseeing and coordinating CAC activities related to the core functions of Leader Development and Education, Lessons Learned and Collective Training. This responsibility includes:

    • Analyze incoming actions and assign tasks to subordinate action officers as they relate to leader development, professional military education, collective training, and lessons learned; coordinate command interest actions with CGSC, CAL, and CAC-T, and conduct mission analysis, course of action development, and decision package development for CAC command group for assigned actions, projects, and programs.
    • Lead for the planning, preparation, and conduct of the CAC systems after action review program; synchronize, coordinate, and monitor designated exercises and projects; and analyze and formulate CAC input to numerous projects and programs.
    • Lead for planning, coordinating and synchronizing CAC support to Foreign Security Force training.
    • Participate in DA-level working groups and forums on leader development and education issues including the Leader Development Forum, and the Leader Development Council of Colonels.
    • Provide staff management oversight for CGSC, CAL, and CAC-T, and provide coordination and synchronization support to the US Army/Marine Corps COIN Center and JCISFA.
Office Number DSN
G-3 913-684-0041 552-0041
Deputy G-3 913-684-0019 552-0019
Chief, Leader Development and Training 913-684-5306 552-5306
Military Analysts 913-684-2021/5334/3022 552-2021/5334/3022
Secretary 913-684-0041 552-0041



Last Reviewed: August 8, 2012

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