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HIV/AIDS Assets and Strategic Focus

Strategic Focus
The CDC Russia office was launched in late 2006. Since then, the office has worked with the Government of Russia (GOR) and other partners to implement an operational plan that emphasizes expanding and strengthening HIV surveillance and improved use of HIV strategic information.

In collaboration with a GOR regional HIV reference center, CDC has supported trainings of public health and non-government organization officials in surveillance of most-at-risk populations (MARPs) and in data triangulation.

The office also provides technical assistance to other HIV programs supported by the U.S. government and international agencies in Russia.


Strengthening HIV Surveillance and Health Information Systems
CDC builds in-country capacity to design, implement, and evaluate HIV/AIDS-related pilot surveillance programs among MARPs, in collaboration with multiple partners.

Building of Public Health Workforce Capacity
CDC provides direct technical assistance to build the Ministry of Health’s public health capacity; particularly by supporting trainings on improved HIV surveillance techniques, and improving monitoring and evaluation efforts for HIV prevention among MARPs.

Notable Accomplishments

Data-driven Programming
  • CDC has supported workshops and trainings on surveillance methods and HIV data triangulation for most-at-risk people.

  • CDC also conducted surveillance data analysis that detected a regional outbreak of a second wave of the epidemic among intravenous drug users in Western Siberia.

Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission (PMTCT)
  • CDC provided technical leadership to the St. Petersburg AIDS Center and St. Petersburg Health Committee in the implementation of PMTCT services which included a pilot program of a rapid-testing algorithm at delivery in maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg and an expansion of this program in Orenburg.

  • CDC supported a pilot program of enhanced PMTCT surveillance and contributed to efforts to revise guidelines for PMTCT prophylaxis, testing of HIV exposed infants, and treatment of HIV infected infants.

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