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World AIDS Day 2011

Each year on December 1, CDC and its offices around the globe observe World AIDS Day to raise awareness of the global impact of HIV/AIDS. The first cases of HIV/AIDS were reported 30 years ago in the June 5, 1981 issue of CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.  Since that time, people living with HIV/AIDS, researchers, health professionals, non-profit organizations, governments and activists across the globe have worked together to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. on World AIDS Day, we recognize our successes to-date and commit to saving more lives.

Leading with Science: Uniting for Action – the 2011 World AIDS Day Theme

As a science-based public health and disease prevention agency, CDC provides support to nearly 80 countries to strengthen their national HIV programs and build sustainable public health systems through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). CDC works with Ministries of Health, the World Health Organization, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and other PEPFAR partners to implement sustainable HIV/AIDS interventions, and to measure their effectiveness in reducing infections and deaths from HIV/AIDS.

Building on our successes to-date, CDC will continue to play a key role in achieving the PEPFAR goals to support treatment for more than 4 million people, prevention of 12 million new HIV infections, and care for 12 million people by 2014.

CDC is proud to support Ministries of Health and our many partners as they lead the fight against HIV/AIDS in their countries. By leading with science and uniting for action with partners, we can build on our successes to save even more lives, and to allow more people to live longer and healthier lives.

CDC World AIDS Day Activities Around the Globe

HIV Prevention Promoted to Young Adults in Kenya and Washington DC through MTV Collaboration
CDC, through its lead role in PEPFAR, continues to support the efforts of MTV to engage young people in discussions about HIV prevention through “Shuga,” a drama series set in Nairobi, Kenya that follows college students dealing with love, careers, and other life issues.  The latest installment will be screened, simultaneously, on World AIDS Day in Nairobi and Washington DC to young people between 18 and 27. After the show, MTV is hosting a live video discussion.

Kenya's National World AIDS Day in Kisumu -Run Together For Healthy Living
The World AIDS Marathon in Kisumu brings together runners from all walks of life, including some of the most vulnerable in the community, from all over the world. Participants and volunteers alike want people to know that no matter what a person’s HIV status we can come together to support and encourage each other to live healthier lives. CDC Kenya staffers provide volunteer services to support the race.

CDC South Africa will Participate in Trends in HIV Treatment and Prevention Panel
For World AIDS Day, CDC South Africa staff will participate in a panel debate on trends in HIV treatment and prevention at the National Library’s auditorium.  Guests include representatives from the national government agencies, CDC and USAID partners, as well as Public Affairs’ contacts.

World AIDS Day Higher Education Institutions Challenge in Ethiopia
The CDC office in Ethiopia is organizing World AIDS Day Challenge that seeks to recognize young and dynamic thinkers by offering a chance to submit innovative public health project ideas for all students studying in 50 public and private University and College Campuses in Ethiopia. The challenge calls for submissions of exceptional and innovative public health solution essays that can be applied at grass root levels and directly benefit local communities.  Top 10 winners of the challenge will get a two month fully sponsored summer internship and an opportunity to work on public health development projects within U.S. Government funded international organizations operating in Ethiopia.


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