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Patent Examiner Training


Procedural Training - Mandatory for all first year examiners

Patent Examiner Initial Training and Introduction to Practice and Procedures

Standardized training is provided to new patent examiners to teach them the basic skills and knowledge of the patent process, and practices and procedures such that they will be able to successfully examine a patent application. The examiner will also be able to provide an initial report to their supervisor on what is the claimed, as well as the disclosed invention contained in the application so as to permit him or her to perform a prior art search. The number of courses offered each year is based on the projected number of new examiners entering the patent business unit.

Legal Training - Mandatory for all first year examiners

Practice and Procedures Lectures covering the following topics:

  • "Novelty" Requirements
  • "Non-Obviousness" Requirements
  • "Utility" Requirements
  • Restriction Practice
  • Unity of Invention
  • Double Patenting
  • Allowance and Issue
  • Appeals
Continuing Education – Courses are for students from all Technology Centers, some taught by TC personnel, some modified to include TC specific examples
  • Review of Recent Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Decisions
  • Claim Interpretation
  • Update on Rule Changes
  • Rule Changes – Strategic Plan Rule Package
  • Federal Circuit Decisions Affecting USPTO Practice: Key Cases of the Past Year
  • Search Strategy
Legal Training – Technology Center Level courses taught by TC personnel, some developed within the TCs

Examples include:

  • 101 Training
  • 102/103 Training
  • Obviousness Type Double Patenting
Legal Training - Legal Courses
  • Patent Law and Evidence
Examiner Technical Training -
(Technology Center Focused)
  • Technology Fairs
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer Software and Hardware
  • Optics, Semiconductor, Electrical Engineering
  • Communication Technology
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Knowledge Management
  • Modern Processor Design
  • Understanding Mobile Internet
  • Understanding Emerging Wireless Technologies
Non-Duty Technical Training Program


  • Mathematical Methods for Physics

Automation Training

All first year examiners are provided mandatory
initial automation training.


IFW Classes

  • IFW for Examiners (eDAN)
  • IFW for Technical Support Staff (MADRAS)
  • IFW for Coordinating Committee
  • IFW Messaging for Supervisory Patent Examiners
  • IFW Refresher Course

Non-IFW Classes

  • Classification Data System Desktop Training
  • ChemDraw
  • Examiner Automated Search System (EAST) 1.3: New Features
  • EAST and Bibliographic Retrieval System: The Fundamentals
  • Office Action Correspondence System (OACS) 1.3: New Features
  • OACS Basics
  • OACS for Non-Typists
  • OACS: Creating Personal Forms
  • Chemical Searching for Non-chemists
  • West: Refresher
  • Microsoft® PowerPoint
  • Microsoft® Outlook
  • PALMExpo Overview

TC-Focused Classes

  • EAST Databases
  • EAST: Automated Searching for Design Examiners
  • EAST and Optical Character Recognition
  • OACS Basics for Design Examiners
  • Non-Patent Literature (NPL) Web Resources in Your Art Area
  • Classification and Security Review
  • Obviousness Type Double Patenting
  • Means Plus Function Claims (35 USC § 112)
Management Training
  • Review of Recent Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Decisions
  • Claim Interpretation
  • Update on Rule Changes


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United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 11/5/2009 7:30:30 PM