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Measures that Have Been Either Discontinued or Changed Since the FY 2009 PAR

Measures that Have Been Either Discontinued or Changed Since the FY 2009 PAR
Strategic Goal Optimize patent quality and timeliness
Corresponding Measures
  • Patent in-process examination compliance rate
  • Patent allowance compliance rate

USPTO replaced these measures with:

  • Patent non-final in-process examination compliance rate
  • Patent final rejection/allowance compliance rate
Justification The USPTO is seeking input from stakeholders on how quality should be measured. A Federal Register Notice has been published, asking for stakeholders’ comments on quality. New quality measures will be introduced based on this feedback. In the meantime, the Agency shifted resources from end-process review to place more emphasis on front-end quality and reviewing non-final actions in order to prevent unnecessary re-work. This approach also allows the Agency to focus on final disposition of applications including final rejections.
Strategic Goal Provide domestic and global leadership to improve intellectual property policy, protection and enforcement worldwide
Corresponding Measures
  • Percentage of counties on the USTR 301 list, awaiting WTO accession, or targeted by OIPPE for improvements that have positively amended or improved their IP system
  • Number of countries that implemented at least 75% of action steps which improve IP protections in the joint cooperation, action or work plans

USPTO replaced these measures with:

  • Percentage of prioritized countries that have implemented at least 75% of action steps in the country-specific action plans toward progress along following dimensions:
  1. Institutional improvements of IP office administration for advancing IPR
  2. Institutional improvements of IP enforcement entities
  3. Improvements in IP laws and regulations
  4. Establishment of government-to-government cooperative mechanisms
Justification To better track USPTO’s efforts in accomplishing the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan.
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Last Modified: 01/14/2011 10:59:26