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Note 11. Intragovernmental Costs and Exchange Revenue

Total intragovernmental costs and exchange revenue, by Strategic Goal, for the years ended September 30, 2010 and 2009 were as follows:

USPTO Intragovernmental Costs and Exchange Revenue by Strategic Goal
For the year ended September 30, 2010
(Dollars in Thousands)
Patent Trademark Intellectual Property Protection Total

Strategic Goal 1: Optimize Patent Quality and Timeliness
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $377,272 $— $— $377,272
Gross Cost with the Public 1,400,599 1,400,599
Total Program Cost 1,777,871 1,777,871
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue (8,652) (8,652)
Earned Revenue from the Public (1,878,886) (1,878,886)
Total Program Earned Revenue (1,887,538) (1,887,538)
Net Program Income $(109,667) $— $— $(109,667)

Strategic Goal 2: Optimize Trademark Quality and Timeliness
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $— $38,741 $— $38,741
Gross Cost with the Public 143,824 143,824
Total Program Cost 182,565 182,565
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue (723) (723)
Earned Revenue from the Public (213,421) (213,421)
Total Program Earned Revenue (214,144) (214,144)
Net Program Income $— $(31,579) $— $(31,579)

Strategic Goal 3: Provide Domestic and Global Leadership to Improve Intellectual Property Policy, Protection and Enforcement Worldwide
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $— $— $9,868 $9,868
Gross Cost with the Public 36,634 36,634
Total Program Cost 46,502 46,502
Net (Income)/Cost from Operations $(109,667) $(31,579) $46,502 $(94,744)

Total Entity
Total Program Cost (Notes 12 and 13) $1,777,871 $182,565 $46,502 $2,006,938
Total Earned Revenue (1,887,538) (214,144) (2,101,682)
Net (Income)/Cost from Operations $(109,667) $(31,579) $46,502 $(94,744)

USPTO Intragovernmental Costs and Exchange Revenue by Strategic Goal
For the year ended September 30, 2009
(Dollars in Thousands)
Patent Trademark Intellectual Property Protection Total

Strategic Goal 1: Optimize Patent Quality and Timeliness
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $356,328 $— $— $356,328
Gross Cost with the Public 1,388,348 1,388,348
Total Program Cost 1,744,676 1,744,676
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue (7,163) (7,163)
Earned Revenue from the Public (1,690,269) (1,690,269)
Total Program Earned Revenue (1,697,432) (1,697,432)
Net Program Cost $47,244 $— $— $47,244

Strategic Goal 2: Optimize Trademark Quality and Timeliness
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $— $39,456 $— $39,456
Gross Cost with the Public 153,731 153,731
Total Program Cost 193,187 193,187
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue (280) (280)
Earned Revenue from the Public (229,418) (229,418)
Total Program Earned Revenue (229,698) (229,698)
Net Program Income $— $(36,511) $— $(36,511)

Strategic Goal 3: Provide Domestic and Global Leadership to Improve Intellectual Property Policy, Protection and Enforcement Worldwide
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $— $— $9,002 $9,002
Gross Cost with the Public 35,075 35,075
Total Program Cost 44,077 44,077
Net Cost/(Income) from Operations $47,244 $(36,511) $44,077 $54,810

Total Entity
Total Program Cost (Notes 12 and 13) $1,744,676 $193,187 $44,077 $1,981,940
Total Earned Revenue (1,697,432) (229,698) (1,927,130)
Net Cost/(Income) from Operations $47,244 $(36,511) $44,077 $54,810

Intragovernmental expenses relate to the source of the goods or services, not the classification of the related revenue.

United States Patent and Trademark Office
Last Modified: 01/14/2011 10:53:59