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Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Position

United States Patent and Trademark Office
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Position
For the years ended September 30, 2010 and 2009
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2010 2009
Earmarked Funds Earmarked Funds
Cumulative Results of Operations    
Beginning Balances $375,794 $432,604

Budgetary Financing Sources:
Transfers Out Without Reimbursement (2,000)
Other Financing Sources    
Imputed Financing (Note 9) 21,767
Total Financing Sources 21,767 (2,000)

Net Income/(Cost) from Operations
94,744 (54,810)
Net Change 116,511 (56,810)
Cumulative Results of Operations $492,305 $375,794
Net Position, End of Year $492,305 $375,794
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Last Modified: 01/14/2011 10:53:58