Videos tagged with "NATO"

  • Enlisted Seminar gathers NCOs from across region

    September 11, 2012

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    GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany - Senior Enlisted Personnel from across the region have gathered at the DoD's George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies here to discuss their profession and share ideas on current topics as well as the future. Jason Tudor reports.
  • Wounded Warriors come together to heal

    August 10, 2012

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    There's a misconception that injuries downrange mean the end of a military career, but that couldn't be further from the truth. SGT Austin Majors reports from the 2012 Soldier Ride where wounded Warriors from across Europe are healing together.
  • Bonjour, Ciao, and Hallo

    July 18, 2012

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    We have many partners in the war on terror. SGT Matthew O’Neill shows us how the NATO Rapid Deployment Corps, Italy, brought people from many of these nations together for a day of cultural displays and fun.
  • Immediate Response 2012: Slovenian Troops In A Fire Fight

    June 8, 2012

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    Pvt. Tonya Breznik of the Slovenian Armed Forces talks about the training going on during Immediate Response 2012 and how it relates to here experience serving in Afghanistan in support of the International Security Assistance Force there. Immediate Response 12 is a multinational tactical field exercise that involves more than 700 personnel from the U.S. Army Europe's 2nd Cavalry Regiment and Croatian land forces, with elements from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Slovenia. Macedonia and Serbia have brought observers.
  • Common language

    June 8, 2012

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    Communications is key to a successful mission, but it becomes challenging when working with people from different nations who speak an unfamiliar language. A1C Daniel Asselta shows us how one unit pulls together through a common language.
  • Common language

    June 8, 2012

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    Communications is key to a successful mission, but it becomes challenging when working with people from different nations who speak an unfamiliar language. A1C Daniel Asselta shows us how one unit pulls together through a common language.
  • Small arms training

    May 30, 2012

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    Service members go through small arms training in Souda Bay, Crete, in preparation for Phoenix Express. Seaman Brent Pyfrom brings us the story.
  • Crew control

    May 30, 2012

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    When boarding possible enemy ships during hostile situations, there is always the possibility of crew members carrying weapons. The U.S. military partnered with other NATO nations to improve on their crew control tactics. Seaman Adam Brock has the story.
  • European Tanker Symposium

    May 18, 2012

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    NATO forces must work together during global military conflicts and seamless integration isn’t possible without training and an exchange of ideas. Enter the European Tanker Symposium; where members of the Royal Air Force as well as Italian, French, and Belgian air forces talk shop to increase NATO’s Air Power. SSgt Lance Daigle reports.
  • Maritime partnership

    May 17, 2012

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    Nobody performs combat on the sea better than the Marines. Seaman Brent Pyfrom reports from Souda Bay, Crete, on how the Greek service members benefit from this kind of training with the United States.
  • Precious cargo

    May 17, 2012

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    Shoving a helicopter into the belly of a C-17 Globemaster is not an easy task, especially when the helo belongs to a partner nation. SSgt Lana Mills takes us to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, for the details.
  • Keeping jets in the air

    May 15, 2012

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    Bulgarian and American pilots are honing their skills at Exercise Thracian Star. Before they can take to the sky, there’s some prep work on the ground that needs to be done. Robert Sekula has more.
  • The 172nd Infantry Brigade recently returned from Afghanistan.

    May 11, 2012

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    After a year-long deployment, nothing feels as good as being in the loving arms of family. The 172nd Infantry Brigade recently returned from Afghanistan. SGT Chris Jackson, in Grafenwoehr, Germany, tells us just what they came home to.
  • Training allied nurses for deployment

    April 13, 2012

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    NATO allies often train together to strengthen their skills and enhance our ability to work side by side. A1C Shane Mitchell tells us about a class in Landstuhl, Germany, that helps prepare Belgian nurses to be ready for any emergency situation.
  • Agile Spirit 2012

    April 5, 2012

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    Service members have a knack for overcoming and adapting. SSgt Nathan Parry tells us how 250 Marines handled training Georgian Soldiers during exercise "Agile Spirit 2012". It meant overcoming the language barrier and a few snags courtesy of "Mother Nature."
  • Harbor Protection

    March 29, 2012

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    This isn’t your kid’s video game! SGT Tony Brazier takes us to the NATO Undersea Research Center in La Spezia, Italy, where gaming systems, and their consequences, are taken very seriously.
  • We head to Hohenfels, Germany, where Soldiers are returning to their loved ones after a year in Afghanistan.

    March 27, 2012

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    It’s no secret that deployments are tough on service members and their families. The homecomings, however, are always looked forward to. We head to Hohenfels, Germany, where Soldiers are returning to their loved ones after a year in Afghanistan.
  • When working with NATO forces down range, it’s a good idea to train with them before you deploy.

    March 7, 2012

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    When working with NATO forces down range, it’s a good idea to train with them before you deploy. TSgt Kevin Dennison takes us to the United Kingdom where British and U.S. security forces learn a common language.
  • Special Operations troops bridge language barriers

    February 28, 2012

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    It may be a challenge, but communicating in the same language, when it comes to military tactics, is the key to any NATO mission. SGT Joshua Blair takes us to SHAPE, Belgium, to meet the troops at the tip of the spear.
  • Standardizing NATO systems

    February 23, 2012

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    For militaries to communicate they must have a common language that is understood everywhere. It's not an easy task when the U.S. and NATO allies speak several different languages. SGT Joshua Blair tells us how they tie it all together.
  • The way forward in Afghanistan

    February 8, 2012

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    The Munich Security Conference is one of the largest gatherings on defense policy. This year, the main focus is on the future role of the U.S. and NATO in Afghanistan.
  • A different mission for the 40th Engineer Battalion

    January 18, 2012

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    The Northern border of Afghanistan is a vital supply route for ISAF forces. It’s also an important source of revenue for the Afghan government. Petty Officer Brandon Shelander tells us how Alpha Company of the 40th Engineer Battalion, based in Baumholder, Germany, protects the Afghan border crossing by building relationships and a combat outpost.
  • KFOR troops test freedom of movement in Kosovo

    December 19, 2011

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    Kosovo has been relatively calm over the past few years. However, freedom of travel restrictions in the country have become a recent concern for NATO and the region.
  • Soldiers of the Special Operations Command Europe pride themselves as quiet professionals, but sometimes certain actions deserve special recognition.

    December 9, 2011

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    Soldiers of the Special Operations Command Europe pride themselves as quiet professionals, but sometimes certain actions deserve special recognition. SSG Joe Labutka has more on a valor ceremony for several heroic men and their amazing deeds.
  • Combined Endeavor 2011 Exercise

    December 8, 2011

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    Combined Endeavor 2011 is the world's largest communications interoperability exercise, preparing international forces' command, control, communications and computer systems for multinational operations. Hosted by USEUCOM, this year's exercise has made great strides in moving from functional testing towards operational testing.
  • Cyber Endeavor 2011

    December 8, 2011

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    Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command's paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercise support. Cyber Endeavor builds cyber defense partnerships with NATO, partner nations, academia and industry. Its purpose is to improve force readiness for deployment in support of exercises, multinational crisis response and future missions.
  • Simulating the next KFOR mission

    November 30, 2011

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    For over a decade, NATO forces deploying to the Balkans, in support of the Kosovo mission, have trained at the Joint Multinational Training Readiness Center. And as the mission changes, so does the training. Christian Marquart explains.
  • Sharon E. Burke, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs visited EUCOM this week and stopped by our office to talk about issues regarding operational energy.

    September 22, 2011

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    Sharon E. Burke, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs visited EUCOM this week and stopped by our office to talk about issues regarding operational energy.
  • Bosnian forces at work in Afghanistan

    January 21, 2011

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    Video from NATO about what the small contingent of Bosnian soldiers are doing to help NATO efforts in Afghanistan.
  • Adm. James Stavridis, U.S. European Command, Commander, provides his thoughts on the Eastern European-Caucasus Chiefs of Defense conference

    July 20, 2010

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    Navy Adm. James Stavridis, U.S. European Command, Commander, provides his thoughts on the Eastern European-Caucasus Chiefs of Defense conference in Garmisch, Germany.
  • ADM Stavridis - Kosovo

    April 14, 2010

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    ADM James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, comments on how the success in Kosovo may be the model to follow in Afghanistan.
  • President Obama visits service members in Afghanistan

    March 30, 2010

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    U.S. troops deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan are used to high-profile celebrities visiting them. This weekend, service members in Afghanistan were treated to a special surprise visit by the commander in chief. President Obama addressed troops at Bagram Air Field, telling them about the importance of their mission and exactly how they'll get the job done.
  • Joint Training for Afghanistan in the UK

    January 21, 2010

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    When training for an upcoming deployment, making it as realistic as possible increases the training value. SrA Nick McNaughton takes us to a British training area in the Untied Kingdom where no detail is overlooked.