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InfoCom World, considered to be one of the best events in the field of Information and Communications Technologies in Southeastern Europe is taking place on Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 in Athens, Greece. U.S. Commercial Service in Greece through its Literature Promotion Program (LPP) invites you to discover the opportunities in the Greek Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ICT market.

Over 2300 key decision-makers from the ICT sector participate in InfoCom World which this year focuses on the users’ needs, the markets’ anxieties as well as the challenges posed by the effect of the economic crisis all over the world. More than ever before, Information & Communication Technologies are at the spearhead of the efforts towards the re-organization of Greece. The event is organized by Smart Press one of the leading digital technology publishers in Greece, and is under the auspices of several Greek Ministries and associations. For more information regarding the conference please visit the following link http://www.info-com.gr/ .

CS Athens will participate in InfoCom World 2012, through a Literature Promotion Program (LPP). CS Athens will meet with people from the ICT market in Greece and promote the products of the U.S. companies participating in the LLP to prospective partners, customers, government entities and associations. 

The CS Athens Literature Promotion Program customizes and expands-upon the traditional catalog show. We select the best trade shows at which to hold the LPP, in sectors that offer the greatest potential for U.S. firms. We know that it is very important that we understand your products or services, and your objectives for participating in this event, so before the event we will ask you to complete a Company Profile, detailing your products or services, your competitive advantages, your objectives for participating in the LPP, the most important criteria that you are looking for in an overseas partner, and other important information. We will then call you to review your Profile and answer any questions you may have. All of this information will better enable us to discuss your products or services with visitors to the event and to obtain the right information from them. 

Participation fee is $100 per U.S. entity. This is a very popular event so be sure to reserve your space right away! For more information, please contact Betty.Alexandropoulou@trade.gov

To register on-line, fill in the interest form below!

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Expiration Date: 1/1/12

Interest Form - Infocom World 2012

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