Webinars 2012

This section contains a selection of Webinars from 2012. Each Webinar podcast is accompanied by supporting presentation materials. Webinars are presented in reverse chronological order.

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Fatherhood Buzz - Back to School Initiative: Effective Strategies for Increasing Father Involvement in Schools

Thursday, August 23, 2012

This webinar provided ideas and resources to help increase father involvement in schools and their children’s education.  Information was provided on various initiatives that have helped engage fathers and father figures, inspire children, reduce bullying, and generally improve the educational environment in order that men may become more involved in the lives of their children. After this training webinar, participants will improve their knowledge and understanding of: The importance and impact of father involvement in schools; Strategies that fatherhood practitioners can use to engage with local schools and school districts in order to increase father involvement in schools and improve outcomes for children; and, Resources and tips for fathers to help them increase their involvement in schools and their children’s education.

Moderator:  Dennis Bega, Acting National Director of Regional Operations, Office of Communications and Outreach, US Department of Education


  • J. Michael Hall, President and Founder, Strong Fathers - Strong Families.
  • Betsy Landers, President, National Parent Teacher Association (PTA). 
  • Philip Jackson, Founder and Executive Director, The Black Star Project.

Facilitator: Patrick Patterson, Manager, National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse

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Effective Strategies for Working with Fathers Returning from Prison
July 12, 2012

The webinar will provide ideas and resources to guide work with fathers who are returning to the community from prison.  Resources will also be provided that can be shared with fathers and their families.

After this training webinar, participants will improve their knowledge and understanding of: Federal Department of Justice Prisoner Re-entry priorities, supports, and guidance; Research findings from a review of Prisoner Re-entry programs; and, Effective Strategies and Lessons Learned from programs having success helping fathers who are returning from prison.

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Achieving Economic Stability: Strategies for Successfully Connecting Dads to Jobs
April 26, 2012

Posted below are supporting documents associated with the April 2012 National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse Technical Assistance Webinar, “Achieving Economic Stability: Strategies for Successfully Connecting Dads to Jobs.”

This webinar presented information and strategies to help participants improve their knowledge and understanding of: Federal Department of Labor priorities and programs; Employment partnering opportunities for Responsible Fatherhood programs; Practical ideas from research to help fathers find and keep jobs; and, Promising Practices and Lessons Learned from programs that have successfully helped fathers achieve economic stability.

Presenters included:

  • Ben Seigel: Deputy Director of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships in the Office of the Secretary at the U.S. Department of Labor
  • Dr. Ronald Mincy: Columbia University School of Social Work, New York, NY
  • Bob and Kathy Lambert: Co-Founders and Co-Executive Directors, Connections to Success, St. Louis, MO



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In response to President Obama’s call for a national conversation on responsible fatherhood and healthy families, learn how you can join the President's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative.
Información en Español
En respuesta al llamado del presidente Obama para una conversación nacional sobre la paternidad responsable y las familias saludables, aprender cómo usted puede unirse a la Iniciativa Presidencial de Padres y Mentores.