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Title X Program Instruction Series

Department of Health & Human Services
Office of Public Health & Science
Office of Population Affairs


Date: October 17, 2005

From: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs

Subject: OPA Program Instruction Series, OPA 05-02: Administrative Policies

To: Regional Health Administrators, Regions I-X

This memorandum serves as official notification of current administrative policies of the Office of Family Planning, Office of Population Affairs. The intent of these policies is to maintain effective program management and documentation of program activities as they relate to program responsibilities in administration of project grants.

  1. Recision of Grants Process Policy Notices (GPPNs)

    In March 2005, the Office of Assistant Secretary for Health officially rescinded the GPPNs previously used to guide administration of family planning grants. The official references for grants management operations are the Awarding Agency Grants Administration Manual (AAGAM) and the Grants Policy Directives (GPDs). Information pertaining to the AAGAM Chapters, transmittals, and GPDs can be found at (See Attachment #1)
  2. Official Grant File

    All official grantee actions must be included in the official grant file maintained in the Office of Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) Office of Grants Management (OGM). This includes but is not limited to: site visit reports; program review reports; corrective action plans; grantee technical assistance and/or training reports; and any correspondence between Federal family planning staff and the grantee agency. In addition, all oral communication with grantees about pertinent issues surrounding grant activities must be documented. This record should include the following:
    • Date of Initiating Communication
    • Date of Response or Continuing Communication
    • Regional Office
    • Program Staff Person(s)
    • Grantee Name
    • Grant Number
    • Grantee Staff Person(s) Involved
    • Topic or Issue
    • Type of contact (telephone conversation; in person discussion, meeting, etc.)
    • Summary of the Discussion
    A recommended form for documenting this information is attached. Family planning program staff should respond to telephone calls, emails, and other inquiries within 48 business hours. It is incumbent on Federal family planning program staff to forward the information mentioned in the paragraph above to the OASH OGM at least quarterly for inclusion in the Official Grant File. (See Attachment #2)
  3. Response to Request Grantee Requests Requiring Prior Approval

    Requests for grantee-initiated requests requiring prior approval must be submitted either electronically or in writing to the OASH Office of Grants Management. After concurrence with the family planning program office (as appropriate), the OASH Office of Grants Management will respond to requests that result in the issuance of a Notice of Grant Award or official correspondence within 30 days from the date the request was received. In the event that the request is still under consideration, the grantee shall be informed of the delay within the 30 day time frame. Examples of applicable requests include, but are not limited to, budget revisions, removal of special conditions, and program plan revisions. Grantees are expected to obtain advance approval before incurring costs or undertaking activities that require awarding office prior approval. All requests and responses must be included in the official grant file. (See Attachment #3)
  4. Financial Status Reports

    Reviewing Financial Status reports is the responsibility of the OASH Office of Grants Management. Financial Status Reports (FSR) must be submitted by grantees to the OASH Office of Grants Management within 90 days of the end of the grantee budget period. The OASH Office of Grants Management will notify grantees in writing within 30 days of the time the FSR becomes delinquent that failure to submit the required FSR within 30 days from the date of the letter may result in draw down restrictions or denial of future funding. (See Attachment #4)

Alma L. Golden, MD, FAAP
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs


  1. "Notice to Formally Rescind Grant Process Policy Notices," (April 28, 2005, memorandum from John Jarman, OASH Executive Officer).
  2. OASH Contact Report (sample).
  3. "Compliance to GPD Part 3.05 (D)2 Process Requirements," (April 28, 2005, memorandum from John Jarman, OASH Executive Officer).
  4. "Compliance to GPD Part 1.04.104-3 (C)2q Grants Management Officer Responsibilities, Review of Financial Status Reports," (March 4, 2005, memorandum from Karen Campbell, Director, OASH Office of Grants Management).