Tag Archives: DREAM Act

#HispanicED Twitter Town Hall with Arne Duncan

An engaged audience with a broad range of questions joined Secretary Arne Duncan on Twitter and via video yesterday to discuss education issues facing the Latino community. Duncan was joined by José Rico, executive director of the White House Initiative … Continue reading

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White House Listens to Arizona

More than 350 community leaders came together last Saturday in Phoenix for the White House’s Hispanic Community Action Summit at the ASU-Downtown Campus. Arizona civic leaders joined in thought-provoking discussions and analysis of a wide-range of policy areas, but on … Continue reading

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Secretaries Duncan and Solis Meet with DREAMers

“Opportunity.” A powerful concept packed into a single word. This was the word one young person chose to describe what education means to him when asked by Secretary Duncan and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis as part of a reoccurring … Continue reading

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Duncan Says It’s Time to Pass the DREAM Act

“The work you do is a labor of love,” Secretary Duncan told a group of education leaders and philanthropists at the 4th annual conference of Communities for Public Education Reform (CPER) earlier today in Alexandria, Va. Duncan thanked the attendees … Continue reading

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