#HispanicED Twitter Town Hall with Arne Duncan

Duncan answers questions at the Hispanic Twitter Town Hall

Secretary Duncan answers questions at the Hispanic Twitter Town Hall. Official Department of Education photo by Joshua Hoover.

An engaged audience with a broad range of questions joined Secretary Arne Duncan on Twitter and via video yesterday to discuss education issues facing the Latino community. Duncan was joined by José Rico, executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, and guests from Latinos in Social Media (LATISM). In all, Arne and José answered more than 20 questions. Here is a sample of some of the topics discussed:

College Affordability

Parental Involvement

Early Learning

To see all of the tweets from the event, check out @HispanicED on Twitter, and to see the archived video of the event, click here.

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2 Responses to #HispanicED Twitter Town Hall with Arne Duncan

  1. David says:

    In my opinion, “Dark Age” policies such as the one below, which seek to deny races an understanding of their past is not only unconstituational, immoral and unethical but will ultimately lead to the demise of those races if not the entire species–it amounts to intellectual genocide and a supreme failure of leadership. Is this what we now stand for as a country? How can an entire nation sit idly by and let its civil liberties be eroded in this way, when so many men and women have fought and died to preserve our way of life, unique in its “melting pot” origins. Cultural diversity needs to be celebrated and uplifted, appreciated for its complementary differences forming a stronger union, promoting understanding and tolerance rather than shaming entire races of people and perpetuating hatred under the false guise of righteousness? Education in this country must be fundamentally rebuilt, on solid and sound ethical principles–not filtered, bound and gagged by policy makers who prefer to keep future generations ignorant, fearful and ashamed of their heritage. How dare this kind of oppression go on in this day and age in our own country. It is disgusting and has to stop. -a former @EdTechLeader

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  2. Oscar says:

    College education should be free or almost free like in other developed countries, which they are surpassing USA in knowledge and sciences.