Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi: Democrats Will Do Whatever it Takes to Protect Social Security

May 23, 2002

After being denied a chance to have a straight up-or-down vote on the Republican plan to raise the debt limit to continue their raid on Social Security and Medicare, Democrats held a news conference this afternoon to pledge they will do whatever it takes to protect Social Security. The following is a statement issued by House Democratic Whip Nancy Pelosi:

“We should have been able to come to the House floor yesterday and today to work in a bipartisan manner to pass this Supplemental Appropriations bill -- a Supplemental that recognizes the needs of those who were affected by the tragedy of September 11, a Supplemental that supports the needs of our troops in the field and their protection.

As the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, I know full well how much protection our forces need. We are 100 percent behind them, both Democrats and Republicans alike.

So it was sad to see, as we go into Memorial Day, to see the Republican majority desecrate a bill to support our troops, honor their mission and respect the needs of those affected by September 11. They desecrated it by their stealth assault on the Social Security Trust Fund.

Instead of proposing a bill to meet our legitimate need to fight terrorism in a fiscally responsible way, the majority has tried sneak in the second largest increase in the debt limit in this nation’s history without a vote or any debate.

The Republicans are hiding from the American people their plan to raid the Social Security Trust Fund by $750 billion.

And then they trivialize Social Security, and they trivialize our patriotism.

But we will not be deterred. Following our Leader, Mr. Gephardt, and his inspiration, the American people will know that whatever it takes, we will do to protect Social Security.

This is an attempt by the Republicans to diminish what happens in this people’s House. We will not let that stand. We will fight for Social Security.

We will not let them raid Social Security to pay for a tax cut for the wealthiest people in America at the expense of those who built our country.”


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