Press Releases by Congresswoman Pelosi

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Denouncement of GOP Plan to Cut NEA Funding

June 17, 1997

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi Denounces GOP Attack On The National Endowment for the Arts

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) today denounced the GOP for its assault on the National Endowment for the Arts. The Republican leadership cut the NEA's budget from $99 million to $10 million which was intended to shut down the agency. "It is a sad commentary when the richest nation on earth threatens to eliminate an endowment that makes such a great contribution to our country's vitality. A great nation must invest in artistic and cultural development, just as it protects natural resources or promotes scientific discovery," Pelosi said.

"The federal investment in the NEA promotes our cultural and artistic legacy and more than pays for itself. It creates new jobs and improves the quality of American lives. In addition to supporting 1.3 million full-time jobs, the arts return $3.4 billion in federal income taxes each year," said Pelosi.

President Clinton requested $136 million for the NEA in his FY'98 budget request, an increase of $37 million over last fiscal year. The funding legislation will be considered next week by the full House Appropriations Committee, and then by the full House.

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