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Racing Episode 5

Working together as a team.

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Racing Episode 5

Working together as a team.

Ryan Newman: "At Stuart Haas Racing, success spreads very easily throughout the building. It doesn't take….if the thirty-nine wins, fourteen guys celebrate it. If the fourteen wins, the thirty-nine guys celebrate it. Equally the same. I've never seen it like that at any other race shop, so I'm proud to be a part of this group of people and this organization."
Staff Sergeant David Rozmarin: "As a team, I think it's the common goal that unifies us. As a lot of people have said, we're a family. We all treat each other just like we're brothers and sisters. I think that's one of the main things that unifies us. That and the common mission. "
Staff Sergeant Kristopher Smith: "Besides mission success, our team is a family. I mean, we live together, we eat together -when we're gone, that's all we have, is us."
Ryan Newman: "NASCAR racing is one of the toughest sports out there because you compete against your own team mate. But if you have the right mentality, then you can approach it with the idea of becoming a greater organization, not two great teams."
Tony Schumacher: "What makes a winning team is guys on a list – a group of people that understand they're that great and that good, but still can listen to the other guys on that team about what might help."
Sergeant Dustin White: "There's a question when I have those people who are… lagging a little bit more than the others, but just as a team. So everybody's got to pull each other together and we're all heading in the same direction, have the same goal, and same deadline, so it just takes a whole team effort."
Staff Sergeant David Rozmarin: "If there's a big obstacle and you say there's no way I can get over that wall, I can't do it, and you see someone who has maybe struggled in the past, that you've helped along, or someone that's always the strongest member of the team, that they do it with ease, or they give one-hundred and twenty percent to get out there and make it happen, it's just like in Army racing. If you don't think you can pass the car in front of you, and you pass them, that gives you that motivation to go above and beyond and make it happen."
Specialist Nathan Miller: "You have to be motivated and stay motivated in order to get the job done every single day."
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