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Racing Episode 10

Soldiers and Racers explain what it takes to be the best at what they do.

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Racing Episode 10

Soldiers and Racers explain what it takes to be the best at what they do.

Ryan Newman: "For us to be stronger, to be faster we always just basically work on the racecar, making the racecar better. When the racecar gets better we make improvements on the racecar uh on a given practice session or you know throughout a given race then we've worked in that right direction as we say it."
Tony Schumacher: "I'm willing to sacrifice, uh to risk, to put in the proper equipment with the proper guys behind me and train for that moment that might be unexpected."
Kristopher Smith: "Uh our team continues to improve and work uh just by training. We train every day. Whether it's a doing PT in the morning to stay physically fit or going to a range and you know firing our weapons or whatnot. Uh ya training, training going on all the time."
Thomas Carter: You always have to push each other as a team because in the army you can never be you're never good enough. You need to be the best, the best in everything you do.
Tony Schumacher: "How do you improve on 6 championships? You set your goal on 7 and 8 overall championships. You have teams that you race against that are as good and you have to reach down deep every time."
Ryan Newman: "Its always an honor to represent the USA army, the soldiers. I've always said past, present, and future who give us the opportunity to do what we love to do, for me is drive a race car. So to have their name on my chest, their name on the hood of my race car its an honor."
Thomas Carter: "The uniform is a symbol of service to our country, to our fellow soldiers, to the ideals."
David Rozmarin: "The first time you put a uniform on and realize that you have a shaved head and you look just like everybody else, its kind of awe inspiring. Because you are no longer just yourself. You're responsible for your actions but you're now part of a team."
Nathan Miller: "Army strong to me means if we all stick together, we all communicate, we all w-we all work as one team that we can be strong to go through anything. When I hear army strong it just kind of makes me think of the epitome of what a what that special person should be."
Dustin White: "Personally, I believe I'm in the strongest army in this world."
Tony Schumacher: "Let's face it, it's the US Army car. There's history that goes back 235 years you know behind that car and uh in the future we're building stepping stones for the kids and people in the future."
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