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NHRA Webisode 6

Just like every airborne or special forces soldier checks their equipment every time, so do I.

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NHRA Webisode 6

Just like every airborne or special forces soldier checks their equipment every time, so do I.

When I'm sitting in the U.S. Army Top Fuel Dragster, I'm completely focused. After making sure that I am prepared to get the car from point A to point B. Now that point B is coming awful fast, so when I get there I want to make sure I can stop this U.S. Army car. Traveling 2 football fields per second. We have the highest technology in the U.S. Army parachutes to help me slow this machine down. Let's take a peek.
Tony Schumacher and Ryan So we're going to put these parachutes in. Myself and Ryan, we get the parachute actually prepared, we lay it out; unfortunately we got a little bit of rain out here today so we already prepared it this far. But these parachutes, when they're deployed together, produce approximately six Gs on my body.
We essentially put it together, fold it over, and we put it in the parachute pack. But the pilot chute itself, when I push the button or pull the lever, will be deployed. These are meant, like a U.S. Army Soldier, when they step out of an airplane, to pop chute. This is meant to catch the air and pull the rest of the chute out into the open. At that point the parachute itself is going to deploy and slow us down.
Just like every airborne or special forces Soldier checks their equipment every time, so do I.
The next time you come out to the races, now you too will know how to stop one of these U.S. Army Top Fuel Dragsters.
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