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Racing Episode 2

Being a leader in the Army and on the racing team.

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Racing Episode 2

Being a leader in the Army and on the racing team.

TONY SCHUMACHER: "What makes a winning team is guys that will listen. A group of people that understand they're that great and that that good, but still can listen."
STAFF SERGEANT – DAVID ROZMARIN "Leadership is motivating a soldier to accomplish a mission. So, from my higher, I get a mission, that mission gets passed on, and I receive it, and then I deem whatever way that I think is the best – if I am not given a direct way to do it. – To accomplish that mission."
STAFF SERGEANT – KRISTOPHER SMITH "I'm a vehicle commander – so it's my job to make sure the rest of my crew is fully trained, and what I try to do – is I try to train them to do my job."
STAFF SERGEANT – DAVID ROZMARIN "I try to share my experience with soldiers, and I encourage them to share them with me."
RYAN NEWMAN: Having good people around you, gives you a better chance of doing great things. From my standpoint, having Buddy Baker, Don Miller, and my dad, several over people, not just those, but several other people have made a big difference – and, as I have said before – you are a product of your environment – and I've been in a pretty good environment."
SPECIALIST – NATHAN WALTER "Everyone has something that they know that somebody else may not know. So it is always a team effort."
STAFF SERGEANT – KRISTOPHER SMITH "My leadership skills come from the leaders I had above me."
STAFF SERGEANT – DAVID ROZMARIN "You have to train everyone to be able to accomplish every mission. Now, everyone isn't going to be the best at it… Now, on my vehicle for instance, I can chance a tire faster than anyone else on there - but if I change a tire every time, no one is going to learn. It's the same thing with the racing team – if there is only one guy that can fill up, and one guy that can change a tire fast – then that's defeating the entire team right there. Everyone should be able to do it."
STAFF SERGEANT – KRISTOPHER SMITH "Our teammates push each other, one by learning, that's the main thing. We try to teach each other, you know. There might be a Sergeant that may know something that I don't know, and he'll teach me, and I'll give him my knowledge. We just try to better each other. As much as we can."
TONY SCHUMACHER: It's not just the crew chief or myself, the driver, that leads – it's each guy. We have higher grade guys that do a great job – they lead from within. Nobody shows up and asks about their paycheck – these guys work because having a number one on the side of their car is what they live for. And that is what makes you world champ."
SERGEANT – DUSTIN WHITE "Leadership goes on and off the job. Not only do you have to be the example, but you have to set the example. And you can't just wear the rank – you have to be the rank."
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