Earnings and Employment Data for Workers Covered Under Social Security and Medicare, by State and County, 2000



Table 3. Number of persons in Delaware with Social Security (OASDI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2000
County and sex Number Taxable earnings a
(thousands of dollars)
OASDI contributions b
(thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and
Total Wage and
Total Wage and
Total, Delaware 482,365 465,502 32,121 13,297,779 12,883,121 414,658 1,648,925 1,597,507 51,418
Men 246,932 238,070 19,143 7,788,599 7,522,802 265,797 965,786 932,827 32,959
Women 235,433 227,433 12,978 5,509,180 5,360,319 148,861 683,138 664,680 18,459
Kent 73,198 70,712 4,651 1,699,274 1,655,498 43,776 210,710 205,282 5,428
Men 36,761 35,356 3,028 989,394 959,372 30,021 122,685 118,962 3,723
Women 36,437 35,356 1,622 709,880 696,126 13,755 88,025 86,320 1,706
New Castle 314,876 306,553 16,872 9,486,015 9,230,283 255,732 1,176,266 1,144,555 31,711
Men 162,766 158,443 9,842 5,589,211 5,411,463 177,749 693,062 671,021 22,041
Women 152,110 148,110 7,030 3,896,803 3,818,820 77,983 483,204 473,534 9,670
Sussex 87,605 81,552 10,599 1,931,920 1,816,769 115,151 239,558 225,279 14,279
Men 43,454 40,320 6,273 1,104,207 1,046,180 58,027 136,922 129,726 7,195
Women 44,151 41,232 4,326 827,712 770,589 57,123 102,636 95,553 7,083
Unknown 6,686 d d 180,570 d d 22,391 d d
Men 3,951 d d 105,787 d d 13,118 d d
Women 2,735 d d 74,784 d d 9,273 d d
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTE: State designation is based on employee residence.
a. Based on Social Security annual maximum taxable earnings of $76,200 in 2000.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Data not shown to avoid disclosure.
Table 6. Number of persons in Delaware with Medicare (HI) taxable earnings, amount taxable, and contributions, by county, sex, and type of earnings, 2000
County and sex Number Taxable earnings a
(thousands of dollars)
HI contributions b
(thousands of dollars)
Total c Wage and
Total Wage and
Total Wage and
Total, Delaware 486,108 469,193 33,711 15,503,381 14,867,012 636,368 449,598 431,143 18,455
Men 249,557 240,646 20,679 9,669,800 9,236,436 433,364 280,424 267,857 12,568
Women 236,551 228,547 13,032 5,833,581 5,630,577 203,004 169,174 163,287 5,887
Kent 73,558 71,065 4,739 1,764,372 1,717,329 47,043 51,167 49,803 1,364
Men 36,995 35,583 3,123 1,045,423 1,011,861 33,562 30,317 29,344 973
Women 36,562 35,482 1,616 718,949 705,468 13,481 20,850 20,459 391
New Castle 317,522 309,271 17,986 11,306,537 10,888,996 417,541 327,890 315,781 12,109
Men 164,574 160,329 10,878 7,152,931 6,814,421 338,510 207,435 197,618 9,817
Women 152,948 148,942 7,108 4,153,606 4,074,575 79,031 120,455 118,163 2,292
Sussex 88,318 82,147 10,878 2,177,108 2,005,496 171,612 63,136 58,159 4,977
Men 44,022 40,768 6,570 1,295,873 1,234,753 61,120 37,580 35,808 1,772
Women 44,296 41,378 4,308 881,235 770,743 110,492 25,556 22,352 3,204
Unknown 6,711 d d 255,363 d d 7,406 d d
Men 3,966 d d 175,573 d d 5,092 d d
Women 2,745 d d 79,791 d d 2,314 d d
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Continuous Work History Sample, 1 percent sample.
NOTES: State designation is based on employee residence.
HI = Hospital Insurance.
a. There is no annual maximum taxable amount for Medicare earnings.
b. Includes both employee and employer contributions.
c. Workers with earnings from both wage and salary employment and self-employment are counted in each type of employment but only once in the total.
d. Data not shown to avoid disclosure.