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Country Analysis Briefs

Released: January 9, 2012

An ongoing compilation of country background information profiles. Country Analysis Briefs (CABs) for specific countries or geographical areas that are important to world energy markets are maintained, including members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), major nonOPEC oil producers (i.e., the North Sea, Russia), major energy transit areas (i.e., Ukraine), and other areas of current interest to energy analysts and policy makers.

PDF Foreign Direct Investment in U.S. Energy

Released: June 1, 2009

This report describes the role of direct foreign ownership of U.S. energy enterprises with respect to their energy operations, capital investments, and net foreign investment flows (including net loans). In addition, since energy investments are made in a global context, the report examines patterns of direct investment in foreign energy enterprises by U.S.-based companies. (archived versions)

Profiles for Countries

Released: May 15, 2009

Data by country, region, and commercial group (OECD, OPEC) for 215 countries including production, consumption, U.S. oil imports and CO2 emissions. Forecasts for selected countries for total oil production and consumption. Analysis by country (Country Analysis Briefs)

U.S. and World Energy Outlook

Released: February 17, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: 9th Annual RFA National Ethanol Conference February 17, 2004

Overview of World and U.S. Energy Data and Projections

Released: November 24, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Santa Fe Energy Seminar - Nuclear Power Competitive Prospects November 24, 2003

Energy Data Exchange Presentations

Released: January 1, 2000

Energy Data Exchange Presentations

PDF Privatization and the Globalization of Energy Markets

Released: October 1, 1996

Discusses recent efforts at privatization in petroleum, electricity, and coal, as well as the impetus that privatization has provided in fostering the evolution of the multinational and multidimensional energy company.