Annual Statistical Supplement, 2007


Other Social Insurance Programs and Veterans' Benefits

Veterans' Benefits

Table 9.F1 Number of disability compensation or pension payments, by type of payment and age of beneficiary, selected years, 1940–2006 (in thousands)
Year Total a Service-connected Not service-connected
Under age 65 Aged 65 or older
Subtotal Disability rating b Subtotal Disability rating b
Less than
70 percent
Less than
70 percent
age 65
Aged 65
or older
As of June 30
1940 610 385 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . .
1945 1,144 912 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . .
1950 2,368 1,990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 . . . . . .
1955 2,669 2,076 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 . . . . . .
1956 2,739 2,083 2,026 1,841 185 57 43 14 597 319 278
As of June 20
1957 2,797 2,074 2,004 1,825 179 70 53 17 670 304 366
1958 2,850 2,064 1,980 1,807 173 84 65 19 741 279 462
1959 2,934 2,053 1,952 1,781 171 101 78 23 841 257 584
1960 3,009 2,027 1,908 1,746 162 119 93 26 947 219 728
1961 3,107 2,000 1,868 1,711 158 131 104 27 1,077 182 895
1962 3,150 1,987 1,849 1,693 156 138 109 29 1,138 166 972
1963 3,181 1,989 1,844 1,686 158 145 115 30 1,170 165 1,005
1964 3,197 1,993 1,846 1,684 162 147 117 30 1,186 176 1,010
1965 3,217 1,992 1,846 1,679 167 146 117 29 1,210 197 1,013
1966 3,201 1,993 1,850 1,677 173 143 115 28 1,196 221 975
1967 3,182 1,999 1,858 1,683 175 141 114 27 1,173 243 930
1968 3,164 2,011 1,873 1,696 177 138 112 26 1,145 265 880
1969 3,160 2,039 1,904 1,712 192 135 110 25 1,114 286 828
1970 3,181 2,091 1,950 1,754 196 141 116 25 1,086 310 776
1971 3,222 2,146 1,995 1,780 215 151 128 23 1,073 335 738
1972 3,269 2,183 2,022 1,804 218 161 135 26 1,086 381 705
1973 3,257 2,204 2,028 1,806 222 176 150 26 1,053 402 651
1974 3,241 2,211 2,018 1,796 222 193 165 28 1,030 410 620
1975 3,227 2,220 2,006 1,784 222 214 185 29 1,006 430 576
1976 3,236 2,232 1,996 1,767 229 236 209 27 1,003 456 547
As of September 30
1977 3,280 2,248 1,989 1,759 230 258 226 32 1,032 505 527
1978 3,284 2,259 1,971 1,741 230 288 254 34 1,025 516 509
1979 3,241 2,267 1,944 1,717 227 323 285 38 974 500 474
1980 3,196 2,274 1,912 1,689 223 362 320 42 922 467 455
1981 3,154 2,279 1,873 1,656 217 406 359 47 875 438 437
1982 3,096 2,274 1,818 1,606 210 456 404 52 824 406 418
1983 3,044 2,263 1,744 1,544 200 519 461 58 781 373 408
1984 2,980 2,251 1,666 1,476 190 585 520 65 729 339 390
1985 2,931 2,240 1,589 1,408 181 651 579 72 690 306 384
1986 2,883 2,225 1,505 1,335 169 720 641 79 658 274 384
1987 2,844 2,212 1,428 1,268 160 784 698 86 631 244 387
1988 2,804 2,199 1,361 1,209 153 838 746 92 606 219 387
1989 2,776 2,192 1,302 1,156 146 890 792 98 584 196 388
1990 2,746 2,184 1,253 1,113 140 931 828 102 562 175 387
1991 2,709 2,179 1,238 1,098 140 941 838 103 530 156 375
1992 2,674 2,181 1,245 1,104 141 936 833 103 493 138 354
1993 2,660 2,198 1,265 1,122 143 932 828 104 462 128 335
1994 2,659 2,218 1,290 1,144 146 928 824 104 441 122 319
1995 2,669 2,236 1,310 1,158 152 926 819 107 433 120 313
1996 2,671 2,253 1,330 1,171 158 923 814 109 418 116 302
1997 2,667 2,263 1,346 1,178 168 917 805 112 404 112 292
1998 2,668 2,277 1,372 1,191 180 905 790 115 391 110 281
1999 2,673 2,294 1,404 1,209 195 890 771 119 379 113 266
2000 2,672 2,308 1,435 1,224 211 874 751 123 364 115 249
2001 2,669 2,321 1,464 1,238 226 857 731 126 348 116 232
2002 2,745 2,398 1,546 1,288 258 852 716 136 347 125 222
2003 2,832 2,485 1,634 1,335 299 852 703 148 347 136 210
2004 2,899 2,556 1,708 1,373 335 848 690 158 343 146 197
2005 2,973 2,637 1,792 1,421 371 845 677 168 336 151 185
2006 3,056 2,726 1,875 1,474 401 851 674 177 330 154 176
SOURCE: Department of Veterans Affairs, published and unpublished data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Persons receiving payments under special acts and as retired emergency and reserve officers are included in the total but not in the distribution. (Totals may not add up because of rounding.)
b. Disability rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs according to average impairment of earning capacity, graduated in intervals from 10 percent to 100 percent.
CONTACT: Mike Wells (202) 461-5829.