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Bridging Cultures at Community Colleges

Today, more than half of post-secondary students in the U.S. attend community colleges. Yet the essential role of humanities instruction at these institutions is sometimes overlooked – despite the fact that many students’ only serious study of the humanities takes place in two-year college classrooms.

For the most part, only slender resources are devoted to humanities instruction at community colleges. Community college humanities faculty carrying very full teaching loads, often on part-time or adjunct appointments, have insufficient opportunities for professional development. To mark a new commitment to this vital and growing sector in higher education, the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2011 launched NEH Bridging Cultures at Community Colleges, a program to advance humanities teaching at community colleges nationwide through sustained faculty and curriculum development.

Funded projects focus on the theme of Bridging Cultures, an agency-wide initiative that encourages exploration of the ways in which cultures from around the globe, as well as cultures within America’s borders, have influenced American society.

In 2011, five institutions were each awarded up to $360,000 in cooperative agreements for projects to be held in 2012-15. These projects:

  • draw on sound humanities scholarship related to the theme of Bridging Cultures;
  • engage participating faculty in shared readings of important humanities texts;
  • involve noted humanities scholars in discussions, mentoring, and review of courses and
  • support demonstrable and measurable improvements in humanities course offerings; and
  • serve as national models of excellence in addressing needs that are widely shared.

Bridging Cultures at Community Colleges

Advancing the Humanities at Community Colleges: An NEH Bridging Cultures Project

Deadline: April 25, 2012
Dates: May 2012- December 2013
Location: Washington, DC

American History, Atlantic and Pacific: An NEH Bridging Cultures Project

Deadline: June 15, 2012
Dates: Fall 2012-Winter 2015
Location: San Marino, CA; Washington, DC; New York, NY

Asian Traditions and Cultural Differences: An NEH Bridging Cultures Project

Deadline: March 2, 2012
Dates: Summer 2012-Fall 2014
Location: Honolulu, HI; other locations TBA

Difference, Community, and Democratic Thinking: An NEH Bridging Cultures Project

Deadline: March 15, 2012
Dates: March 2012-October 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Out of Many - Religious Pluralism in America: An NEH Bridging Cultures Project

Deadline: March 23, 2012
Dates: Spring 2012-Fall 2013
Location: Chicago, IL