LWRS Program


Four principal R&D pathways of LWRS Program addressing the Strategic Program Goals have been identified to better understand the challenges posed by nuclear power plant aging. These R&D pathways focus on improving the fundamental aging and degradation knowledge basis in reactor material sciences, creating improved inspection and monitoring technologies, fostering development of advanced fuels, and incorporating risk-informed, performance-based techniques in safety margin characterization and life extension decision-making.

The four R&D pathways:

  • Materials Aging and Degradation
  • Advanced Light Water Reactor Nuclear Fuels 
  • Advanced Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems Technologies
  • Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization.

The objectives of these R&D pathways are to create a greater level of safety through application of increased knowledge and an enhanced economic understanding of plant operational risk beyond the first license extension period. These R&D pathways also provide possible solutions to future challenges and will ensure future safe and economic extended nuclear power plant operation.

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