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Rangel: I'm Proud of #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

Washington D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel issued the following statement in support of the Occupy Wall Street protestors:

"It is truly historic when we see union groups, leaders like Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and House Democratic Caucus Chairman John B. Larson, and fellow Members in the Congressional Progressive Caucus all come out in favor of the Occupy Wall Street movement. This new wave of support gives me renewed hope that we can bring about change in America.

Today, the American people are angry and frustrated: In addition to the 14 million who are out of work, many people have lost their homes, health insurance, money for college and are losing hope. The wealthiest few should pay their fair share instead of enjoying the record profits on the backs of the middle class. The American people have had enough. They're mad as hell, and I agree. This is not a political issue, it's a moral issue.

I lived through the Civil Rights movement, marched from Selma to Washington, and have witnessed what happens when people unite. That's why I was glad to visit Liberty Plaza on Saturday to lend my support. I encourage more of my Collegues in Congress and the religious community to stand with the people on Wall Street to help occupy America. Together, we can take back our country."



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