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Rangel Awarded A+ For Votes On Critical Global Issues

New York, NY – Congressman Charles Rangel was recently awarded an A+ by global issues advocacy group Citizens for Global Solutions in their 2012 Congressional Report Card. Rangel was one of thirteen Members in the House of Representatives, less than 3 percent of the whole, who received the perfect score. Only Reps. Nita M. Lowey and Gary L. Ackerman were among those in the New York Congressional Delegation to be included in the honor roll.

“I am grateful to be recognized for my commitment to creating a more peaceful global community.” said Rangel.  “We as a nation must maintain a foreign policy that ensures international security, promotes human rights and advances democratic values worldwide.”

Citizens for Global Solutions publishes the Congressional Report Card so that constituents may see how their elected officials voted on legislation that affects Human Rights, the United Nations, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the global environment, global health, and other international issues and institutions.

Rangel’s public service reaches those far outside his Manhattan Congressional District from Haiti to the Korean Peninsula:  Rangel’s H.R. 5160 - Haiti Economic Lift Program Act 2010 was signed into law on May 25, 2010, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. This bill enhances the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, and provides customs support services to Haiti.  Rangel also co-sponsored H.R. 4462 which accelerated income tax benefits provided for charitable cash contributions that are donated to help bring relief to the victims of the Haitian earthquakes. On December 13, 2011, Rangel's H. Res 376 - Calling for Repatriation of POW/MIAs and Abductees in North Korea, was passed unanimously by Congress despite the current partisan gridlock. The resolution encourages North Korea to repatriate any soldiers they have held captive since the Korean War, and calls upon the U.S. government to resume search and recovery operations in North Korea which was suspended in 2005.

“For America to continue to stand as the moral leader of the free world we must lead by example,” said Rangel.  "Since taking office during the Vietnam War, which I vehemently opposed, I have never lost my conviction to leaving this world a better place than when I entered it, in both life and in Congress.”

Citizens for Global Solutions is a membership organization whose mission is to educate Americans about global interdependence, communicating global concerns to public officials, and developing proposals to create, reform, and strengthen international institutions such as the United Nations. Citizens for Global Solutions envisions a future in which nations work together to abolish war, protect individuals rights and freedoms, and solve the problems facing humanity that no nation can solve alone.

For more information, view the full 2012 Congressional Report Card by the Citizens for Global Solutions.




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